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RJ21 Amphenol Pinout
25 Pair RJ-21 (Amphenol) telephony connector standard color code pin colors
25 Pair Color Code
The 25-pair color code is used to identify individual conductors in a twisted pair cable, used in telecommunication wiring.
Cable Color-Coding Reference
Standard color codings for telephone cables and bundle binders.
2N StarGate AT Commands
Summary of Stargate GSM Gateway AT commands, from the 2N technical Documentation.
Encrypt a folder
To encrypt files within a folder, with no additional software, follow this procedure.
APC NMC TCP/IP settings
How to set the APC UPS Network Management Card (AP9631) TCP/IP settings.
MRV LX Console Server to Avaya/Cisco Console Pinout
Crimp a RJ45 cable with the following pinout
AWG Conductor Sizes
American Wire Gauge (AWG) Cable / Conductor Sizes and Properties.
Replacing the Battery Bank
The Meridian 1 DC-powered systems require an external DC power plant consisting of rectifiers, batteries, and power distribution and control equipment.
Replacing M1 Batteries
The Meridian 1 DC-powered systems require an external DC power plant consisting of rectifiers, batteries, and power distribution and control equipment.
Binary Subnet Mask
CIDR Prefix, Subnet Mask (decimal), Subnet Mask (binary), Available addresses
BIX Cable Termination
Using a QTBIX16A puch tool, terminate a 25 pair cable as per the standard color code.
BIX MDF Frame Layout
A typical small system BIX style MDF frame layout.
BIX Loop Block
To make more than one connection to a BIX block pair, eg: to bridge-tap, we need to construct a parallel loop block.
RJ21 Amphenol to BIX
The 25 Tip/Ring twisted pairs are punched down to BIX in the following order using the 25-pair color code
Candeo GUI IP Address
How to determine (and change) the IP address of a Candeo System Manager SP web-based GUI.
CallBill3 DBA configuration
Procedure to configure a CS1K and CallBill to transfer call records via IP, eg: with a network connection, not serial.
CallBill Call Record Archive
Use this procedure to archive CallBill Call Records.
CallBill Compact Database
Use this procedure to compact the Callbill database.
CallBill Installation Procedure
How to install the CallBill modules depending on the preferred CallBill configuration. Requires the CallBill installation CD.
CallBill Monthly Reports
To track telephone charges, three reports are required on a monthly basis.
Add New User in CallBill
Add a new user.
Update CallBill rates
How to update CallBill rates.
CallBill Cost Center Report
Running the Duration Cost Totals report by Cost Center.
CallBill Self-Install
Requires the CallBill installation CD.
Change User Info in CallBill
How to change User Information in Call Bill.
Duplicate Report Records
Procedure to remove duplicate extensions in a CallBill report.
DN Licence exceeded
Procedure to check for unused PBX extensions.
DN Licence exceeded 2
Procedure to remove database duplicates.
CIDR Cheat Sheet
CIDR Prefix, # of former class C nets
Configuring an MRV
The MRV is a terminal server that provides IP access to serial COM ports, and pseudo TTY's (PTY's).
Number of Continents
There are 7 regions: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Different variations merge some regions; eg, merging North and South America into America, Asia and Europe into Eurasia, and Africa, Asia, and Europe into Afro-Eurasia.
Ubuntu on a CPDC card
If you have a spare Common Processor Dual Core card (NTDW53 or NTDW54), you can use this procedure to install Ubuntu on it.
Some CSS Tricks
Just some simple CSS examples I want to remember
Control Codes and Keys
ASCII control codes and their keyboard equivalents.
Disk Cloning with DD
How to clone a hard disk or USB stick using dd (disk duplication) in the Mac OS X terminal.
Uninstall Chrome/Edge
How to completely uninstall Google Chrome or Microsft Edge from Macs.
Devialet EQ with REW
How to create a Devialet EQ file for Sweet Room
Disk Repair
How to repair a hard drive or USB stick in the terminal, when it won't mount or show in Disk Utility.
Formating FAT16
How to Format a Compact Flash drive to the older FAT 16 scheme in OS X.
Formating FAT32
How to Format a drive to FAT 32 scheme in OS X.
DTMF Keypad
16-key DTMF Keypad: keys 1 to 9, star zero pound, A to D
DTMF Tone Generator
DTMF keypad tone generator / dial-tone / busy-tone / ring-tone / re-order-tone / HTML 5 tones.
Delete Protected EFI Partition
How to delete a protected EFI disk partition in Windows 7, 8, or 10.
Electrical Color Code
Color codes for electrical power cables, used in telecommunications.
Ethernet Patch Cables
How to wire ethernet T568A or T568B Straight and Crossover patch cables.
Fiber Number/Bundle ID Chart
Color codes for optical fiber loose tube cables, used in telecommunications.
Fiber Optic Color Code
Color codes for optical fiber loose tube cables, used in telecommunications.
Common Fiber Connectors
Pictorial reference to help identify LC, SC, ST, and FC fiber connectors.
Fiber Optic Test
Some basic Fiber Optic related questions and answers, which are covered in the Corning TS-LAN-500 course.
Fiber Optic Types
Color codes for optical fiber loose tube cables, used in telecommunications.
Find an IP address
To find the unknown static IP address set on a device...
Finding a MAC address
How to determine the hardware MAC address of a network interface.
Finding a MAC address
How to determine the hardware MAC address of a network interface.
PhoneMaster Connect Info
Meridian Connection Information Necessary for PhoneMaster Installation.
PhoneMaster Keycode Upgrade
How to apply a Phonemaster keycode upgrade to increase the DN license.
PhoneMaster 6 Install Guide
The following procedure describes how to install PhoneMaster 6.
PhoneMaster 5 Install Guide
The following procedure describes how to install PhoneMaster 5, and create and synchronise the station database.
Phoneware Windows 7 to 10
How to migrate CallBill and Phonemaster to Windows 10.
Telecoms Glossary
Glossary of Telecommunications Terms
Harris Blades
Harris punch-down tools support a wide selection of blades, including 110/88 Blocks, 66 Blocks and GTE hardware.
Helios System 600/48
Note's for adjusting a Nortel Helios System 600/48.
Identifying SFPs
Identifying Small Form-factor Pluggable transceivers
IP Address Cheat Sheet
Network subnet class chart.
ISDN (PRI) Cause Codes
ISDN Cause Codes, Call Clearing or Discocnnect Codes
ISO 3166 Country Codes
List of countries, with alpha and numeric country codes
Telephone Jack Wiring
Standard color coding for RJ11/RJ14/RJ25 telephone jacks.
Remove Image GPS Info
A way to remove the location (GPS) information embedded in photos.
Lock or Sleep a Mac
5 ways to Lock (or sleep) your Mac in Mac OS X - a simple way to prevent access when you walk away.
Symmetra LX Battery Module Swap
Steps necessary to replace an APC Symmetra LX Battery Module
Symmetra LX Power Module Swap
Steps necessary to replace an APC Symmetra LX Power Module
Symmetra LX Module Replacement
Schneider Electric Module replacement videos, covering Battery, Power, and Intelligence Modules, in the Symmetra LX UPS
Basic OS X UNIX Commands
Some basic commands which you might find usefull when working in Terminal on your Mac.
The Mac OS X hosts file
How to edit the Mac OS X hosts file with the terminal program nano.
macOS ftp/telnet/rlogin
Apple removed telnet, rlogin, and ftp in macOS High Sierra. This procedure shows how to restore them.
RLOGIN to a CS1K (Mac)
How to use rlogin to access a CS1K from a Mac with OS X.
Mac OS X Serial Applications
List of GUI terminal emulation software for console TTY's on a Mac with OS X.
SSH to a CS1K (Mac)
How to use SSH to access a CS1K from a Mac with OS X terminal.
Mac's and serial TTY's
Serial adapter drivers, programs, pinout, and tips for console TTY's on a Mac.
Mac User Tips
Apple Mac and OS X stuff
macOS Software Tools
A list of useful OS X software tools for a tech equiped with a MacBook Pro.
Running Apache
How to start-stop Apache, and enable user sites in OS X.
MRV LX Console Server to CS1K MGU Pinout
Crimp a RJ45 cable with the following pinout
MPR25 Rectifier Adjustment
Steps necessary to adjust and align Nortel MPR25 Rectifier groups used in DC power (battery) PBX installations.
MPR25 Load Balancing
Adjust the individual FLT potentiometer as needed to balance the current delivered by each rectifier.
MPR25 Front Panel
Nortel MPR25 Rectifier Front Panel description, used in DC power (battery) PBX installations.
Well-Known TCP/UDP Ports
The following ports are assigned to a specific server sevice, eg, port 80 is used by web servers
Ohms Law
Ohm's Law Formula and Javascript calculator.
OSI & TCP/IP Models
The OSI 7-layer and TCP/IP 5-layer models compared
Rebuild a corrupted OTM database
Procedure to rebuild a corrupted OTM station database
Deleting orphaned stations
Procedure to delete old OTM station records
Correcting Ground Path Problems
There are two types of ground used in telephone systems: saftey ground and system ground. Here we show how to test them.
Win 2008 Svr Notes
Windows 2008 notes
PC Static Routes
Print, set and edit the windows static route table
Power Fail Transfer
PBX power fail transfer units will re-direct an analog trunk to an analog phone in the case of PBX failure.
Power Fail Transfer
PBX power fail transfer units will re-direct an analog trunk to an analog phone in the case of PBX failure.
Configure PoLRE VLANs
How to configure PoLRE IP VLANs for IP phones
RaspberryPi & ADS-B
How to install FlightAware and planefinder together on a Raspberry Pi to collect, display and feed ADS-B flight data
PM5 Call Party Name Display
The following procedure describes how to edit Call Party Name Display (CPND) in PhoneMaster 5.
PM5 Group Modify
Create a group of telephones, and then make modifications to that group in PhoneMaster 5.
PM5 lists
Lists can be created or modified by choosing the Lists menu item from the Administration menu in PhoneMaster 5.
PM5 Schedules
Programming changes to be uploaded to the telephone system can be uploaded at a later time by attaching them to a schedule in Phonemaster 5
PM5 Editing Telephones
The following procedure describes how to edit Call Party Name Display (CPND) in PhoneMaster 5.
PM5 Synchronisation
PhoneMaster works by downloading data from the telephone system and building a local database which can then be viewed and changes made can be uploaded to the telephone system
PM5 Telephone Templates
Telephone templates are a convenient way of creating new telephones with similar features in PhoneMaster 5.
RaspberryPi & NextDNS
How to install the NextDNS CLI on a Raspberry Pi to use as a local DNS proxy/forwarder
Phybridge PoLRE Firmware Upgrade
How to upgrade Phybridge PoLRE Firmware
Phybridge PoLRE Introduction
An introduction to the Phybridge PoLRE, which allows you to re-use the existing legacy CAT3 telecoms cabling when deploying IP phones with POE.
Configure PoLRE IP address
How to set the PoLRE IP address, network mask, and default gateway
PoLRE GUI System Overview
The web based Phybridge System Overview page is split into three sections...
Phybridge PoLRE Import/Export Configuration
How to Import/Export Phybridge PoLRE Configuration file.
MRV Ports and Ports
The MRV is a terminal server that provides IP access to serial COM ports.
Pi-hole and NextDNS
How to install and configure Pi-hole and Stubby to use NextDNS
Pi-hole and Unbound
How to install and configure Pi-hole with Unbound recursive, caching DNS resolver
Reloading an MRV
To reload an MRV which won't boot, you can re-install the software with this procedure.
Power over Ethernet
802.3af is the original Power over Ethernet standard, 802.3at revised
RJ45 Cabling Tips
T-568A and T-568B wiring standards
MRV Serial Pinout
The signal assignments of the MRV 8-pin (RJ-45) jacks.
Show/hide hidden files
How to Show/hide hidden files in OS X.
SIP response codes
SIP responses are the codes used by Session Initiation Protocol for communication.
Telecom Training Goals
Training Goals
All About Analog Lines
Analog Lines and Trunks - A Detailed Explanation of Trunk Types and Differences
All About Analog Lines
Analog Lines and Trunks - A Detailed Explanation of Trunk Types and Differences
Upgrading an MRV
Upgrade the MRV software (and/or ppciboot) using the update command in the Superuser command mode
USB-Serial adapters
Confirm which COM port a USB adapter is associated with using the Windows Device Manager
Using the MRV
The MRV is a terminal server that provides IP access to serial COM ports, and pseudo TTY's (PTY's).
Time Zones and Cities
World countries and cites UTC offset and time zones
Build a UCM in VMWare
How to build a functioning CS1000 Unified Communications Manager (UCM) on a Mac in VMWare.
VoIP Standards Guide
h.323 voip Audio, Video, Data Standard
Key VoIP Tests
Recommendations for Measuring Voice Quality: Delay, Jitter, Packet loss, Sequence Errors
Weather Reports
How to get weather reports from the terminal in OS X.
IP Location Finder
Resolve the geographical region of an IP address with this tool
Wiring up ISDN
ISDN distribution uses standard RJ45 sockets. The correct method and pinout is described here.
Wot's... Uh the Deal?
Wot’s… Uh The Deal? is the fifth track from Pink Floyd’s 1972 album Obscured By Clouds.
Cross Connect Colors
Color codes for cross-connect fields, used in telecommunication wiring.