Mike's PBX Cookbook

PM5 Synchronisation

Telephone System Database Synchronisation:

PhoneMaster works by downloading data from the telephone system and building a local database which can then be viewed and changes made can be uploaded to the telephone system. Database Synchronisation involves downloading data from the telephone system to the local database. A full database synchronisation involves downloading the entire telephone system database and a partial database synchronisation involves a selective download.

Perform A Full Database Synchronisation:

  1. Choose Administration from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Synchronise Databases from the Administration Menu.
  3. Choose the Select All button.
  4. Choose the Download button to synchronise the databases. The Save Timing dialog box will appear. You may download the telephone system database immediately by choosing the Save Now option, or at a scheduled time by choosing the Schedule Save option and selecting the appropriate schedule from the list.

Perform A Partial Database Synchronisation:

  1. Choose Administration from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Synchronise Databases from the Administration Menu.
  3. Set the parameters for the synchronisation as required (see below).
  4. Choose the Download button to synchronise the databases. The Save Timing dialog box will appear. You may download the telephone system database immediately by choosing the Save Now option, or at a scheduled time by choosing the Schedule Save option and selecting the appropriate schedule from the list.


Set synchronisation parameters as required:

A. Telephones:

  1. For all telephones, check the All Telephones box.
  2. For a specific terminal number, check the Selected Terminal Number box and enter the terminal number in the Loop, Shelf, Card, Unit boxes.
  3. For specific telephones, check the Selected Telephones box. Choose the Select Telephones button. Use the Find Telephone screen to locate the telephones you want to synchronise.

B. Lists:

Select a check box in the List section, eg: Speed Call, Group Hunt, Hotline List, Pilot Directory Numbers

C. Call Party Name Display:

  1. Call Party Name Display, check the Directory Numbers box In the Call Party Name Display section.
  2. Call Party Name Display Dial Intercom Groups, check the Dial Intercom Groups box in the Call Party Name Display section.

D. Directory Number Beginning With:

To synchronise the databases on directory numbers beginning with a specific number(s) check the Directory Numbers Beginning With box and enter the number. For example to synchronise on directory numbers beginning with 23 enter ‘23’ in the Directory Numbers Beginning With box.

E. Customer Level:

Select a check box for System Information, Authorization Codes, Customer Data, Route Data, ACD Data, Mailboxes (Meridian Mail only), Mailbox Classes Of Service

F. Synchronise From:

To synchronise the databases from a specific date enter the date in the Synchronise From box and only changes made to the telephone system database since that date will be downloaded.

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Source: Phoneware Training Documentation.