Mike's PBX Cookbook

PM5 Group Modify

The Group Modify feature enables you to create a group of telephones and then make modifications to that group of telephones as if it were a single telephone. Changes made to the group will automatically be applied in turn to all telephones in the group. Each group can have up to 500 telephones and each telephone can be a member of several groups.

Create A New Group:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Group Modify from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Choose the Groups button, the Add/Modify Group screen appears.
  4. Choose the Find button.
  5. Use the Find Telephone screen to locate the telephones you want to include in the group.
  6. Select the telephones you want to include in the group from the Telephone List and choose the Add button to add the selected telephones to the group list. Choose the Add All button to add all the telephones in the Telephone List to the group.
  7. Add a name to the Group.
  8. Choose the Save button to save the new group.
  9. Choose the Close button to return to the main screen.

Add Telephones To A Group:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Group Modify from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Choose the Groups button, the Add/Modify Group screen appears.
  4. Select the Name of the group you want to add telephones to from the Group Name drop down list.
  5. Choose the Find Group button to locate the existing members of the group.
  6. Choose the Find button.
  7. Use the Find Telephone screen to locate the telephones you want to add to the group.
  8. Select the telephones you want to add in the group from the Telephone List.
  9. Choose the Add button to add the selected telephones to the group list.
  10. Choose the Save button.
  11. Choose the Close button to return to the main screen.

Modify A Group’s Telephone Features:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Group Modify from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Select the Name of the group from the Group list.
  4. Add the required telephone features. As you add features to the telephone click the right mouse button, when the mouse pointer is over the feature. The feature will then appear underlined. Only underlined features will be uploaded to the telephone system.
  5. Choose the Save button to upload the modifications to the telephones in the group to the telephone system. The Save Timing dialog box will appear. You may upload the new telephone immediately by choosing the Save Now option, or at a scheduled time by choosing the Schedule Save option and selecting the appropriate schedule from the list.

Remove Telephones From A Group:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Group Modify from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Choose the Groups button, the Add/Modify Group screen appears.
  4. Select the name of the group you want to find from the Group Name drop down list.
  5. Choose the Find Group button to locate the existing members of the group.
  6. Select the members of the group you want to remove.
  7. Choose the Remove button.
  8. Choose the Save button to save the changes made to the group.
  9. Choose the Close button to return to the main screen.

Delete A Group Of Telephones:

  1. Choose Telephones from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Group Modify from the Telephones Menu.
  3. Choose the Groups button, the Add/Modify Group screen appears.
  4. Select the name of the group you want to find from the Group Name drop down list.
  5. Choose the Delete Group. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  6. Choose the Yes button to continue.

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Source: Phoneware Training Documentation.