Helios System 600/48

Note's for adjusting a Nortel Helios System 600/48...
- Rectifier Startup and Adjustment: Procedure 14, page 73 (see Procedure 5 below)
- Front Access Controller Adjustment: Procedure 15, page 75
- Final Verification & Load sharing: Procedure 18, page 80
- Startup Delay: page 95
- Rectifier Installation: Procedure 5, page 30 (see Procedure 14 above)
- Startup Delay: Procedure 6, page 31 & Table 6, page 35, 36 (see above)
- Load Sharing: Procedure 7, page 46 (see Procedure 18 above)

▶ Controller Settings:
- The High Float Alarm should be set to 55 VDC (2.29 VPC, see battery spec)
- The Low Float Alarm should be set to 44 VDC (1.83 VPC, see battery spec)
▶ Rectifier Settings:
- The High Voltage Shut Down (HVSD) should be 57 VDC (2.375 VPC, see battery spec)
- The Low Voltage Shut Down (LVSD) should be 42 VDC (1.75 VPC, see battery spec)
- The Float Voltage should be set to 54 VDC (2.25 VPC, see battery spec)
- The Equalize Voltage should be set to 56 VDC (2.33 VPC, see battery spec)