Mike's PBX Cookbook

PM5 Schedules

Programming changes to be uploaded to the telephone system can be uploaded at a later time by attaching them to a schedule. Multiple schedules can be created and each schedule can have multiple tasks attached to it. A schedule will only be offered for attaching tasks if the schedule time is in the future. Once a schedule has been activated and a task performed, that task will be deleted from the schedule.

Note: If PhoneMaster is not running at the time a schedule is due to perform tasks, the tasks will not be performed. However, the tasks will not be deleted and the schedule time can be changed to some time in the future.

Add A New Schedule:

  1. Choose Administration from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Schedules from the Administration Menu.
  3. Choose the New button.
  4. Add a Name to the Schedule.
  5. Choose the Set Log File button. The Log File Name dialog box appears.
  6. Select the directory and file name you want the log file to be saved to.
  7. Choose the OK button.
  8. Enter the Date/Time you want the schedule to take place.
  9. Choose the Save button to save the schedule.

Note: The time in the Date/Time field is optional. The default is midnight.

Attach Tasks To A Schedule:

Applies to: New, View/Modify, Group Modify, Call Party Name Display, and Synchronise Database

  1. Choose the save button on any of the above screens once changes have been made.
  2. Select the Schedule Save option.
  3. Select the Schedule you want to attach the task to from the Schedule list.
  4. Choose the Save button to attach the task to the schedule.

Note: Multiple tasks can be attached to a schedule.

Activate A Schedule Immediately:

  1. Choose Administration from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Schedules from the Administration Menu.
  3. Select the Schedule you want to activate immediately from the Schedules list.
  4. Choose the Upload Now button to upload the schedules attachments to the telephone system immediately. The Upload Now button brings the schedule forward to five seconds from the current time.

Modify An Existing Schedule:

  1. Choose Administration from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Schedules from the Administration Menu.
  3. Select the schedule you want to modify from the Schedules list.
  4. Modify the schedules Name, Log File and Date/Time in the Schedule Details section.
  5. Choose the Save button to save the changes to the schedule.

Delete A Schedule Attachment:

  1. Choose Administration from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Schedules from the Administration Menu.
  3. Select the Schedule with the attachment you want to delete from the Schedules list.
  4. Select the Attachment you want to delete in the Schedule Attachments section.
  5. Choose the Delete Attachment button to delete the attached telephone. The confirmation dialog box appears.
  6. Choose the Yes button to continue.

Delete A Schedule:

  1. Choose Administration from the Main Menu.
  2. Choose Schedules from the Administration Menu.
  3. Select the schedule you want to delete from the Schedules list.
  4. Choose the Delete button. The confirmation dialog box appears.
  5. Choose the Yes button to continue.

Note: If a schedule is deleted, all tasks attached to that schedule will be lost.

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Source: Phoneware Training Documentation.