Mike's PBX Cookbook

Using the MRV


An MRV is a terminal server that provides remote (network) access to serial TTY ports.
TTY ports can be accessed by the following methods:

1. CLI with Telnet:

  1. From a PC, click Start ➤ Run, and enter cmd to open a DOS command window
    - many devices provide a telnet command, such as routers and switches
  2. At the command prompt, type: telnet <ip-address> port#
    - for example:
> telnet 2100      - to connect to MRV serial port #1

The IP-address is the fixed IP address of the MRV, followed by a TCP port number representing the physical TTY port.

The default port numbers are Telnet 2100-6800, SSH 2122-6822. For example:

Port #:123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748

Once you connect to the port, you should have access to the connected device. See also: MRV Ports and Ports.

Note: In a redundant dual core (High-Availability) CS1K PBX system, you can access either Core 0 or Core 1 - BUT only one core will be 'active' and allow login/programming. You will need to split the system in order to access each core separately, eg: for upgrades or maintenance.

2. GUI with PuTTY:

Select Telnet, Host Name is the MRV IP address, followed by a Port number representing the TTY port (as above): mrvputty.png

3. Web-based GUI interface:

  1. In a browser window, enter the MRV IP address: the LX-Series Console Access page displays.
  2. Click on the Launch Secure Console button.
  3. If Java is correctly installed, a Security Warning window displays.
  4. Accept the Security prompt. The Security Warning window closes.
  5. Enter your Username (InReach) / Password (access), and click Login.
  6. Click the Admin button on the toolbar and enter the Superuser password (system).
    You can now configure the unit via the GUI.

Further information here: Configuring an MRV

4. Remote Modem Access:

You will need to have an analog line installed to the MRV and plugged into the built in Modem. Do the following:

  1. Set hyper-terminal to baud rate 9600, data bits 8, parity none, stop bit 1, flow none, and terminal VT100.
  2. Dial the extension number connected to the MRV
  3. When connected you will see Login, enter ACCESS ↵
  4. Enter the user name: ADMIN ↵
  5. Set Privilege mode: SET PRIV ↵
  6. Enter the password: SYSTEM ↵
  7. Follow the procedures in 1b to Telnet into the ports.
    Eg: telnet to connect to device on MRV port #1

Note: when logged into the MRV via dialup, you can see the available commands by typing HELP ↵