Mike's PBX Cookbook

25 Pair Color Code

The 25-pair color code is used to identify individual conductors in a telecommunications twisted pair cable. The colors are marked on the conductors insulation. The first (primary) color is chosen from one group of five colors, and the other (secondary) color from a second group of five colors, giving 25 combinations of two colors. The tip color is always placed first, and pairs should never be split.

Primary:Tip (+)WhiteRedBlackYellowViolet'A' wire

Secondary:Ring (-)BlueOrangeGreenBrownSlate'B' wire

Note: Telecom equipment is "positive ground": tip is 0 VDC with respect to ground (earth), ring is -48 to -52 VDC.

Color Pairs:

White/Blue represents pair 1: eg, White with a Blue band is the tip, Blue with a White band is the ring.
Violet/Slate represents pair 25: eg, Violet with a Slate band is the tip, Slate with a Violet band is the ring.

↓ Tip Conductors- Ring Conductors -

Binder Groups:

For cables with more than 25 pairs, each 25 pair group is bundled with a colored binder following the same color code, eg: the blue/white binder group is the first, containing cable pairs 1 thru 25. This supports up to 625 pairs (25 binders x 25 pairs per bundle = 625 pairs), though Violet/Slate is not used (therefore, 600 pairs). With 100 pair cables (or less), often only the ring color is marked.

Cable PairsBinder Group
No. Tip (A) Ring (B) Color Pair Count

1White Blue pair1.gif 001 - 025
2Orange pair2.gif 026 - 050
3Green pair2.gif 051 - 075
4Brown pair2.gif 076 - 100
5Slate pair5.gif 101 - 125

6Red Blue pair6.gif 126 - 150
7Orange pair7.gif 151 - 175
8Green pair8.gif 176 - 200
9Brown pair9.gif 201 - 225
10Slate pair10.gif 226 - 250

11Black Blue pair11.gif 251 - 275
12Orange pair12.gif 276 - 300
13Green pair13.gif 301 - 325
14Brown pair14.gif 326 - 350
15Slate pair15.gif 351 - 375

16Yellow Blue pair16.gif 376 - 400
17Orange pair17.gif 401 - 425
18Green pair18.gif 426 - 450
19Brown pair19.gif 451 - 475
20Slate pair20.gif 476 - 500

21Violet Blue pair21.gif 501 - 525
22Orange pair22.gif 526 - 550
23Green pair23.gif 551 - 575
24Brown pair24.gif 576 - 600
25Slate pair25.gif Not Used