Mike's PBX Cookbook

PoLRE Firmware Upgrade


Laptop hookup:

1Back-up the switch configuration:

  1. Open the PoLRE web GUI using Chrome or Firefox
  2. From the top menu bar, click ADMIN
  3. Click the SETUP tab.
  4. In the Export Configuration from the Switch panel, click EXPORT

2Connect to the file server from the console:

  1. Via FTP:   pal-pkg configure ftp://username:password@<IPAddress>
    Via HTTP: pal-pkg configure http://<IPAddress>

  2. Test the connection: pal-pkg show_remote lists the packages on the server.
    - if there's no response, check the server IP, firewall, path, authentication, etc.
    - should the connection fail, it will continue to retry until you exit with CTRL+C

3Install new software packages:

  1. pal-pkg install_all - when complete, you will be returned to the command prompt
  2. pal-set-sys-reboot - a reboot is required for all changes to take effect
  3. pal-version - it should respond 'version 3.5'.


Command sequence:

pal-show-sys-ipDisplay management port IP address
pal-pkgOverview of upgrade commands
pal-versionDisplay current version
pal-pkg configure ftp://username:password@ pal-pkg configure
pal-pkg show_remoteList packages (if connection successful)
pal-pkg install_allInstall new packages
pal-set-sys-rebootSwitch will restart, login when back up
pal-versionConfirm the new version

FTP Server:

Configure an FTP server, supporting authentication:


Set a user, eg: admin/admin
Set root directory, start server

Mac's and Apache:

Apache is included with macOS, use the following commands in the Terminal to run it:

The default root directory is /Library/WebServer/Documents/

After starting, check Apache is running by browsing to http://localhost, or http://<IPAddress>

OS X Apache Localhost