Mike's PBX Cookbook

Duplicate Report Records

If you are getting duplicate extensions in a report, this issue is caused because there are duplicate extension numbers in the User details in CallBill. i.e 4154 appears more than once in the user details table.   

When Callbill does not know which identifier to use it prints out the call for both identifiers. This is standard practice for Callbill.

To suppress the duplicate entries:

  1. Open the CallBill Reports Module
  2. From the menu bar, select File ➤ Options
  3. In the General Options tab, uncheck "User Identifier Associated with Extension only"
    - it's right at the very bottom of the "Options" window...
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. Shut down the reports module and restart it. The duplicate entries should no longer be appearing.

You can permanently remove the duplicate entries by editing the Record Processor Identifier Fields.
See DN Licence exceeded 2 for the procedure to do this.

-- End of procedure --

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