Mike's PBX Cookbook

Control Codes and Keys

In the old days, holding down the Ctrl key electrically zeroed the left 2 bits of the 7 bit ASCII code, allowing one to enter the first 32 characters of the ASCII code, irrespective of the shift key. These non-printing characters were used primarily for device/printer control.

Software flow control: XON/XOFF are control characters used in data transmission. XOFF is used by a receiving device as a way to let the transmitting device know it needs to stop transmitting. When the device is ready to recommence, the XON character is sent.

XOFF is achieved by pressing Ctrl + s , and XON is achieved by pressing Ctrl + q .

Ctrl + g should get an audible bell sound out of most terminals!

NULNull000000Ctrl + @
SOHStart of Heading101001Ctrl + a
STXStart of Text202002Ctrl + b
ETXEnd of Text303003Ctrl + c
EOTEnd of Transmission404004Ctrl + d
ENQEnquiry505005Ctrl + e
ACKAcknowledgment606006Ctrl + f
BELBell707007Ctrl + g
BSBackspace808010Ctrl + h
HTHorizontal Tab909011Ctrl + i
LFLine Feed100a012Ctrl + j
VTVertical Tab110b013Ctrl + k
FFForm Feed120c014Ctrl + l
CRCarriage Return130d015Ctrl + m
SOShift Out140e016Ctrl + n
SIShift In150f017Ctrl + o
DLEData Link Escape1610020Ctrl + p
DC1XON / Device Ctrl 11711021Ctrl + q
DC2Device Ctrl 21812022Ctrl + r
DC3XOFF / Device Ctrl 31913023Ctrl + s
DC4Device Ctrl 42014024Ctrl + t
NAKNeg. Acknowledgment2115025Ctrl + u
SYNSynchronous Idle2216026Ctrl + v
ETBEnd of Transmit Block2317027Ctrl + w
CANCancel2418030Ctrl + x
EMEnd of Medium2519031Ctrl + y
SUBSubstitute261a032Ctrl + z
ESCEscape271b033Ctrl + [
FSFile Separator281c034Ctrl + \
GSGroup Separator291d035Ctrl + ]
RSRecord Separator301e036Ctrl + ^
USUnit Separator311f037Ctrl + _
DELDelete1277f177Ctrl + ?