Mike's PBX Cookbook

Callpilot Contents

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201i/202i HEX display Codes
During startup and normal 201i server operation, the HEX display on the server faceplate displays diagnostic codes.

Multi I/O cable NTRH0912
Pinout for the multi port LAN and modem cable, used with CallPilot 201i and 202i servers.

Add Announcement
How to add a CallPilot announcement and associate it with a DN.

Application Builder AOS error
Verify the following ports are open, DCOM settings, AOS DCOM permissions, and Local Security Policy settings

App-builder will not run
This could be a problem on both the Windows server 2003 and the Client PC

Application Builder Errors
Application Builder could not load the application from the server, Application is locked.

Blue Call Router Error
If the CallPilot server shows a Blue Call Router Error.

CallPilot Configuration Wizard
Run the Configuration Wizard after a successful re-image/upgrade, and/or after a backup has been restored.

CallPilot - FAQ
CallPilot - Frequently asked questions

CallPilot 202i PCB pictures
CallPilot 202i PCB pictures, showing heatsink positions

CallPilot 600r Installation Notes
CallPilot 600r Server Installation Notes.

600r Reboot Issue
Avaya CallPilot 600r server memory failure could result in service disruption.

CallPilot Alarm Monitor
If the CallPilot server faceplate display shows either CRI, MAJ, or MIN, an alarm (or event) has occurred.

Backup Restore Tool
The following describes the various functions, and options, within the Backup Restore Tool application.

CallPilot Channel Monitor
If the server experiences trouble processing incoming calls, you can view the state of call channels in Channel Monitor.

CallPilot Dongles
CallPilot 201i, 202i, 600r, 1002rp, 1005r dongles

Add/Edit CallPilot Holidays
Holidays must be kept up-to-date if you're using a Day Control in an application created with Application Builder.

CallPilot Keycode Upgrade
The steps needed to enter and apply a new or upgraded Callpilot keycode.

Installing Languages
The following describes how to install CallPilot languages form the Configuration Wizard.

Create Multiple Mailboxes
Create a CSV file, which can be imported into CallPilot to generate multiple mailboxes on a new install.

CallPilot Platform Details
The different CallPilot hardware platform details and specifications.

CallPilot - External DVD drive failures
The NTRH9105 external DVD-ROM drive used with CallPilot IPE platforms may fail to function when connected to the server. This Nortel Product Advisory Alert describes a possible solution.

Lost Password Procedure
CallPilot backdoor password reset procedure if your system is based on NT 4.0 (one of the early CallPilots).

CallPilot Security Administration
Callpilot Security Administration and Password Options.

CallPilot IP Security problem
Unable log onto Call Pilot, system displaying WWW service is unavailable.

CallPilot Network Interfaces
Check or change the CallPilot network interface addresses

CallPilot PBX Setup
PBX configuration steps for CallPilot

CallPilot network backup
CallPilot can easilly be backed up to a shared network drive, this procedure describes how.

CallPilot Preset Server List
Populate the CallPilot Server List in the login screen

CallPilot Server Status
CallPilot Manager displays a System Ready Indicator (SRI) that shows the current status of the CallPilot server.

CallPilot 202i install/re-image
How to create a USB Drive for CallPilot Windows 2003 Server to significantly speed up the installation/re-imaging process.

CallPilot User Guide
Short user guide for Call Pilot

Export Voice Item
How to export a recording or voice item in CallPilot Application Builder

External Transfers
CallPilot can transfer callers to any number using a dummy ACD or phantom DN.

Exporting User Details
This procedure shows how to export the User List from CallPilot, and import it into Excel.

202i re-image Checklist
Use the following check list when re/installing CPDC signalling server cards.

202i re-image Checklist
Use the following checklist when replacing a 202i hard drive

Import Voice Item
How to import a recording or voice item into CallPilot Application Builder

IPSEC Policy missing
CallPilot ELAN comes up at start of boot and then drops. After that, the CallPilot cannot ping out or in.

Message Waiting Lamps
How to enable voicemail Message Waiting Indication, or fix a stuck lamp.

Recover CallPilot configuration
Recover the customer configuration files from a non-booting Callpilot, and re-apply them in the re-imaged installation

How to re-image CallPilot
Boot from the CallPilot image CD/DVD. Or boot to DOS, insert the first disk and run image.bat

CallPilot Remote Desktop
How to use a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) client to remotely connect to the Call-Pilot server for administrative purposes

Removing CallPilot
Steps to remove Callpilot programming from a CS1000

Restore CallPilot ELAN
If the ELAN goes down, CallPilot will too! A procedure to reset the ELAN.

Scheduling Backups
Procedure to define schedules and run backups from within the CallPilot Manager

Service Directory Numbers
How to define a Service Directory Number (SDN), required for every service or application that is to be directly accessed by callers.

CallPilot Setup Wizard
Run the CallPilot Setup Wizard on an CallPilot system containing a 5.0 software image.

SUs and PEPs
Service Updates (SU) and Performance Enhancement Packages (PEPs) provide software fixes, updates and enhancements for CallPilot.

Thru-Dial Service
A thru-dialer is what gives you the *if you know your parties extension, dial it now* feature.

CallPilot Time Zone Issues
Fix CallPilot Time Zone Issues

Call-Pilot de-acquire CDN's
How to manually de-acquire TN's, ACD's, and CDN's

Time of Day Transfer
How to add a CallPilot announcement and associate it with a DN.

Delete Stale Mailboxes
Stale mailboxes are those which haven't been accessed in a while - usually a long while.

Upgrade CallPilot 4 to 5
The steps required to upgrade a CallPilot server from version 4 to 5.

Voice Item Maintenance Password
With Voice Item Maintenance (VIM), you can use a telephone to remotely record voice items.

CallPilot Server Password Reset
CallPilot Server password reset procedure