Mike's PBX Cookbook

201i/202i HEX display Codes

During startup, and normal operation, the server faceplate display shows one of the following codes:

T:XX The 8051 controller is starting and running diagnostics. These diagnostics are performed during a cold restart (when the server powers up, or when you press Reset on the 201i/202i server's faceplate.
F:XXAt least one diagnostic failed. The displayed error code represents the first failed diagnostic.
P:XXA BIOS diagnostic error, where XX represents a two-character code. If the error is critical, startup may halt. If the error is noncritical, it is entered in the system event log after the OS startup sequence completes and the 8051 device driver starts.
HOSTAppears during the startup sequence and means that BIOS diagnostics have started.
HOST also appears when the server is booted to ROM-DOS.
NTThe operating system (OS) start sequence has started.
OKThe operating system start sequence was successful.
BOOTCallPilot is starting and is not yet fully operational.
PASSCallPilot is fully operational and ready to accept calls.
WARNCallPilot is ready to accept calls. However, some services failed to start. Check the event log for further information.
FAILCallPilot failed the start sequence and cannot accept calls. Review the event log for further information.
MINA Minor alarm has occurred. Review the Alarm Monitor event log for further information.
MAJA Major alarm has occurred. Review the Alarm Monitor event log for further information.
CRIA Critical alarm has occurred. Review the Alarm Monitor event log for further information.
???An alarm of unknown severity occurred. This error should not occur on a properly installed system. The severity of this event is treated as higher-than-critical.
DOWNThe operating system shut down. When the power status LED is on, it is safe to remove the server.

Critical OS startup diagnostic codes:

Test codeTest descriptionFailure code
T:01Internal RAM self-testF:01
T:02ALU self-testF:02
T:03Address mode self-testF:03
T:04Boot ROM self-testF:04
T:05Timer self-testF:05
T:06Watchdog self-testF:06
T:07EEPROM self-testF:07
T:08End of tests (status LED blinks 3 times)n/a
HOSTStart of BIOS diagnosticsn/a

During startup, the monitor displays the BIOS start screen. If a critical error occurs, the start cycle halts.
Examples of critical errors are memory failure or another type of error resulting in no display on the monitor.
F:07 - may indicate a dead CR2032 CMOS battery, try replacing it with a new one!

Non-critical OS and PBX diagnostic codes:

Test codeTest descriptionFailure code
HOSTContinuation of BIOS diagnosticsP:XX
NTOS start sequence has startedP:XX
CDLNCardlan (DS30x) initializationCDLN
C:01Initialization of first DS30x busC:01
OKOS system startup is completeCRI FAIL MAJ MIN WARN

If FAIL, WARN, CRI, MAJ, or MIN appears in the display instead of OK, a fault occurred!
Use the system and CallPilot Manager event logs and Alarm Monitor to determine what happened.