Mike's PBX Cookbook

Removing CallPilot

Steps to remove Callpilot programming from a CS1000, eg: when decommissioning it.
This example is from a 202i in Media Gateway 0 1 slot 9, but it can be adapted to any Callpilot.
Fallback plan: Backup CallPilot. Print (PRT) before OUT, and paste the pintouts into Notepad (or similar).

  1. CallPilot Manager: System ➤ Service Directory Numbers: note and delete* the Service DN's.
  2. CallPilot Manager: User ➤ User Search ➤ Find *: select all, delete* selected.
  3. Application Builder: File ➤ Delete: delete* all the applications.

    * Deleting is optional. But note the SDN's, as this info is required below.

  4. Unplug the CallPilot ELAN cable! Ignor the health change messages.
  5. LD 32, DISC l s c
    .stat 0 1 9
    00 = UNIT 00 = IDLE  (2008 LOG IN )
    01 = UNIT 01 = IDLE  (2008 LOG IN )
    02 = UNIT 02 = IDLE  (2008 LOG IN )
    .disc 0 1 9       Disable the CallPilot card
    .stat 0 1 9       And confirm...
    00 = UNIT 00 = DSBL  (2008 MSB LOG OUT)
    01 = UNIT 01 = DSBL  (2008 MSB LOG OUT)
    02 = UNIT 02 = DSBL  (2008 MSB LOG OUT)
  6. LD 48, DACR ALL 16
    .dacr all 16
    CSA109 16, DONE CDN/ACDDN, 13:50:23     Deaquire complete
    CSA109 16, DONE TN, 13:50:27
  7. LD 11, OUT, 2008 agent TNs
    REQ: stat 0 1 9     Confirm the number of agents
    00 = UNIT 00 = DSBL  (2008 MSB LOG OUT)
    01 = UNIT 01 = DSBL  (2008 MSB LOG OUT)
    02 = UNIT 02 = DSBL  (2008 MSB LOG OUT)
    03 = UNIT 03 = DSBL  (2008 MSB LOG OUT)
    REQ: out
    TYPE: 2008          Repeat for all agent TN's
    TN   0 1 9 0
  8. LD 23, OUT ACD
    REQ  out
    TYPE acd        Remove all ACDs found in SDN table
    CUST 0
    ACDN 5550
  9. LD 23, OUT CDN
    REQ  out
    TYPE cdn        Remove the Control DN
    CUST 0
    CDN  5000
  10. LD 17, CHG ADAN: OUT ELAN 16
    REQ  chg
    TYPE adan
    ADAN out elan 16
  11. LD 17, CHG VAS: OUT, 16
    REQ  chg
    TYPE vas
    VAS  out
    VSID 16

    Note: OUT the ELAN first. If you try to OUT the VAS first, you will see SCH3407.