Application builder will not run
This could be a problem on both the Windows server 2003 and/or the Client PC
Check the following configurations on both the Client PC, and CallPilot Server.
1 Ensure that DCOM is enabled on the computers:
- Select: Start → Run → dcomcnfg
- Select: component services → computers → my computer
- Right-click and select *properties*
- Select the General tab and make sure the check box "*enable DCOM on this computer*" is checked
- Select the default protocols tab and make sure "*Connection Oriented TCP/IP*" is selected and is on top of the list.
- Click Apply and exit out of the dcomcnfg utility.
- Restart the client pc.
2 Check the following AOS DCOM permissions are correct (on Call Pilot server):
- Open: Start → Administrative Tools → Component Service.
- On the left pane of Component Services, go to: Component Services → Computers → My Computer → DCOM Config → nmaos.
- Open Security tab in nmaos properties.
- Under Launch and Activation Permissions click Customize and then click Edit button.
- Make sure that ANONYMOUS LOGON group has Local Launch Local Activation and Remote Activation permissions granted.
- If not, then add ANONYMOUS LOGON group with Local Launch, Local Activation and Remote Activation permissions granted.
- If not, correct and reboot.
3 Check ANONYMOUS LOGON group is permitted:
- Go to: Start → Programs → Administrative Tools → Local Security Policy.
- On the left pane, select: Security Settings → Local Policies → Security Options.
- On the right pane find "DCOM: Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) syntax" line and double click on it.
- Click Edit Security. Launch Permission window will appear.
- Make sure that ANONYMOUS LOGON group is granted with Local Launch and Remote Activation permissions. Grant them if necessary by selecting Add, Advanced, Find Now, and double clicking on ANONYMOUS LOGIN, then save your changes.
- Reboot is not required.