Mike's PBX Cookbook

Meridian/CS1K FAQ

(or cursor keys)
How do I Log onto the system

At the terminal (or PC running a terminal session), hit <return> a couple of times:

If there is no response check cables, the setting of any A/B switch, and set correct baud rate!

To login:

Type LOGI<return>
The system responds with PASS ?

- Enter your password, and if it's correct, the system will respond with a prompt: >

If you do not know your password, contact the installers of your system. (0000 is the default).

Load a (overlay) program by entering: LD XX, where XX represents the overlay (or load) number.
Exit/end the program by entering ****, or typing END

Always end a login session with: LOGO
This will reload the background routines automatically.

Be careful not to log in more than 3 time incorrectly!
If you see OVL400 you are locked out, and will have to wait up to 60 minutes before you can try again!

To print your lockout period, goto LD 22 and prt PWD (LAPW required).
LOCK is the lockout period in minutes, and the default is 60 minutes. CHG PWD data in LD17.

It is useful to use a terminal program that gives the user a scroll back buffer, which allows reference back to previous commands without the need to print everything out.

When entering commands and data, a good rule is: if you are not sure what to type, press <enter> to either use a default value or leave the current value unchanged.

With Release 19 (and later) software, LD's 10, 11, 20, and 32 are linked. Once one of these overlays has been loaded it is possible to add, print, and get the status of a set without having to exit one overlay and load another. Also, prompts ending with a colon (:) allow the user to enter a question mark (?<enter>) for a list of valid responses to that prompt.

I get "OVERLAY CONFLICT" when I try to enter a load

Multi-User Login enables up to five users to log in, load, and execute overlay programs simultaneously, but NOT concurrently in the same load - this is to prevent database corruption. If you try to enter a load, but see:


Your choice is either to try later, or force a log off for the user blocking your access.

At the > prompt, type WHO to find out who is logged on, and which load they're in.

> who
 TTY 02      0    ADMIN2
 TTY 04    135    ADMIN1

Type FORC XX to force a log off for TTY XX (you must be logged in with LAPW or a level 2 password for this to work).

If you're feeling very conscientious, you can precede this with a SEND XX message informing the TTY XX user of his/her impending fate. At the SEND MSG: prompt, enter your message (up to 80 characters). SEND ALL sends the message to all logged-in TTY's.

If you get a FORC NOT ALLOWED-OVERLAY NOT ABORTED message, disable and re-enable the offending TTY port in LD 37: DIS/ENL/STAT TTY XX

How do I log on to Meridian-mail

On an Option 11, first log onto the system.
At the > prompt, type AX and press enter. You will be greeted by the Mail interface. If not, try ctrl R to redraw the screen.

To exit, type ctrl ] - (the control key and 'close square bracket' together).

Note: You need to use a VT220 compatible terminal emulator for all the 'features' to work. Hyperterminal does NOT support VT220 emulation unless you upgrade to Version 6.3.

A large system has a separate Meridian Mail administration terminal.

What is a TN

'Humans' think in terms of telephone numbers, or DN's. The PBX thinks in terms of TN's, terminal numbers.

A TN is an equipment port address: TN = Loop Shelf Card Unit (abbreviated to: l s c u)

L-oop0 → 255A 'Superloop' number is in multiples of 4, eg: 0, 4, 8, - 252
S-helf0 or 1Shelf (IPE or Media Gateway) is either 0 or 1
C-ard0 → 15Card slot, can be 0 thru 15 (depending on shelf type)
U-nit0 → 31Port, can be 0 thru 31 (0-15 line card voice units)

So, 32 units per card, 16 cards per shelf, 2 shelves per superloop = 1024 TN's (ip phones) per superloop!

In Large systems (e.g. Options 61, 81, etc) equipment locations are shown as: Loop, Shelf, Card, Unit
- i.e. 008 0 14 11 This location may be addressed as: 8 0 14 11

In Small systems (e.g. Option 11) equipment locations are shown as: Card & Unit
- i.e. 008 0 00 11 is expressed as 8 11 The zero's between 8 and 11 have no significance and are ignored.

The PBX time is wrong

Access LD 2.
To set the correct time and date, at the REQ: prompt type:

STAD <day> <month> <year> <hour> <minute> <second>

So, enter the following to set the PBX to the current time:

Note, this must be done with an ADMIN2 login.

TTAD will print the current values, and show you the syntax.
STAD DD MM YYYY HH MM SS will set the new values

For further information, see:

Can I change 'Time and Date' without using the terminal

Solution: Add time and date keys to the console set.

Access LD12, and CHG a console TN to add:

The date is entered day, month, and year, the time is entered in 24-hour Format.
These features only work on actual consoles such as 1250's,2250's and QCW's

Find the TN from an extension number
Print the directory number data-block: DNB
Access LD 20...

TYPE: DNB (directory number data-block)
DN: enter extension number (directory number). Up to 8 numbers maybe entered, separated by space.
DATE: hit enter...

Note the TN from the information displayed.
The TN associated with KEY 0 is probably the main set, as KEY 0 is the PRIME DN.

Printing extension settings
Its a good idea to do this before making changes, or to check current settings (for example, which features are enabled or disabled).

Access LD 20 (or LD 10, or LD 11 - see below)

REQ: type PRT
TYPE: 500 (500 for an analog set, or digital set type number, eg 2616)
TN: enter the TN (terminal number - see above).
DATE: hit enter...

Note the information displayed.

With Release 19 (and later) software, LD's 10, 11, 20, and 32 are linked. Once one of these overlays has been loaded it is possible to add, print, and get the status of a set without having to exit one overlay and load another. Also, prompts ending with a colon (:) allow the user to enter a question mark (?<enter>) for a list of valid responses to that prompt.

(X11 Administration Input/Output guide).

Find telephones with a particular feature

Access LD 81:


This example will print all TNs that are set to FNA in CLS.

Use this overlay to check that you know where all your maintenance sets are, as these should be carefully controlled.
For example: FEAT: MTA

How many phones are on my System

Access LD 81:


This example will 'count' the total sets (types in columns) on a system.

At the REQ: prompt, LST will 'list' the TN's.
At the FEAT: prompt, enter 500 or 2000 to list or count various types (depending upon the REQ) of sets on a system.

How do I list all the pick up groups

Access LD 81


Where X = Pickup Group #, or hit <return> to list all groups.

Or, enter PUA at FEAT to list all sets with CLS: PUA, listed by Pick-Up Group #.

How do I print a list of ACD's and agents

Access LD 23, and LST the ACD's:

REQ  lst
TYPE acd

ACD  5100             ACD queues are listed

Next access LD 20, and print the DNB to find the agents:

REQ: prt
TYPE: dnb
DN   5100

DN   5100
MCID 5200  TN 000 0 09 00        eg, Callpilot channels
MCID 5201  TN 000 0 09 01
MCID 5202  TN 000 0 09 02
MCID 5203  TN 000 0 09 03
MCID 5204  TN 000 0 09 04

You can also use LD 81 to LST ACD agents:

REQ   lst
FEAT  acd

ACD      00         5200    TN  000 0 09 00  2000 00   VM0       21 DEC 1996
ACD      00         5201    TN  000 0 09 01  2000 00   VM1       21 DEC 1996
ACD      00         5202    TN  000 0 09 02  2000 00   VM2       21 DEC 1996
ACD      00         5203    TN  000 0 09 03  2000 00   VM3       21 DEC 1996
ACD      00         5204    TN  000 0 09 04  2000 00   VM4        3 JAN 1997
Make changes to an extension or station

Access either:

REQ: chg
TYPE: 500         500 for an analogue set, or digital set type number, eg 2616
TN                enter the TN (terminal number) of the set you want to modify
ECHG yes          Easy Change, yes!
ITEM              enter the mnemonic for the item you wish to change, eg: KEY 6 CFW 

There are a lot of options to this command!
Refer to the X11 Administration Input/Output Guide for a list of valid responses.

Note: to erase (or blank) a key, ECHG, and at ITEM enter KEY X NULL, where X is the key number.

With Release 19 (and later) software, LD's 10, 11, 20, and 32 are linked. Once one of these overlays has been loaded it is possible to add, print, and get the status of a set without having to exit one overlay and load another. Also, prompts ending with a colon (:) allow the user to enter a question mark (?<enter>) for a list of valid responses to that prompt.

How can I change station type

With digital sets, you can't change TYPE.
  - Print the station TNB, OUT it, and NEW on the same TN with the new TYPE, using the printout as a guide.

With IP sets you can use CHGTYP in LD 11 (from release 5).
  - eg, to change a 1120 to a 1120:

LD 11
REQ: chgtyp
TYPE: 1120
TN l s c u        enter the TN (terminal number) of the IP set you want to change

ECHG the new set to edit button programming if necessary.

How do I save (backup) my Database

Access LD 43, at the REQ prompt, enter EDD.
The database will be checked saved to an internal memory area.
This process can takes sometime, although should be performed on a regular basis (eg, after changes are made)..

If the backup fails, try:


Further information:

Setting up Ground Start Trunks

First, ensure the local PTT can support Ground/Earth signaling.
Install NT8D14 Universal trunk cards.

Note: NTCK16AE trunk cards, known as XFCOT/PPM, support loop signaling only.

To change trunk signaling type, use Load-14:

Access  LD 14

TYPE: COT (Central Office Trunk Data).
TN: enter TN of trunk to be converted to Ground Start type.

Set SIGL (Level 3 Signaling) to GRD (Ground Start)
Set SUPN (Supervision) to YES.

More information: Analog Lines & Trunks

Change a trunks answer point

To direct trunks to, say, an Auto-Attendant, use LD 14 to change the trunks 'Auto Terminate DN', ATDN.

Access LD 14

TYPE: COT (Central Office Trunk data).
TN: Terminal Number = Loop, Shelf, Card, Unit of the CO trunk port

<enter> down to:

ATDN (Auto Terminate DN), enter an answer point DN (Directory Number), eg: Voice Mail Hunt Group.

Repeat for all trunks that should be directed to voice mail.

NOTE: AUTO must be YES for the associated Route, LD 16. The default is NO: trunks will normally terminate at the console.

Replace large system Conf/TDS card

Eg: Conf/TDS card in Core/Net 1 slot 0, follow the steps below:

  1. LD 34: DISL 16
  2. Move the Enb/Dis switch on the Conf/TDS card to Dis
  3. Remove Conf/TDS card
  4. Insert replacement Conf/TDS card with the switch in the dis position
  5. Wait 30 seconds
  6. Move the Enb/Dis switch on the Conf/TDS card to Enb
  7. Wait for 30 seconds
  8. LD 34: ENLL 16
Compatible PCMCIA/CF cards

The following PCMCIA memory cards are compatible with the Option 11c.

40 Meg: IBM - 40G4315
Toshiba - TH6SS160402AAA
Sandisk - SDP3B-40-101
3 Meg: Toshiba - TH6SS160031AAA

40 Meg cards are used for distributing software, 3 Meg cards are good for system patches and archiving databases - but they cannot be used for software upgrades.

LD43's BKO and RES commands will back-up and restore the Database to an external PCMCIA card (place card in Drive B slot).

Note: Cards with capacities greater than 64 Meg are NOT supported. A 32 Meg Compact Flash with PCMCIA adapter is suitable for back-ups.

UPDATE: It's pretty rare to find 64 Meg PCMCIA cards these days, even second hand on Ebay! A workaround for Option 11 SSC cards is to use a 128 Meg Compact Flash with a PCMCIA Adapter.

Compatible CF - Compact Flash

The Compact Flash (CF) used with CS 1000 are specifically designed for high reliability, data integrity and long life. They have specific data retention and access characteristics, wear leveling, ECC, and have been matched to the CS 1000 applications.

If a CF on a CPPM or CPPIV does not have either NTMNXXXX or Nortel or Avaya labeling it is suspect and should be brought to the immediate attention of Avaya support by raising a ticket. Avaya does not support the use of 3rd party CF cards for replacement.

Use only the following approved CF for replacement:

Part NumberDescription
N0071470Blank 128 MB Compact Flash
N0116597Blank 512 MB Compact Flash
N0005129Blank 1GB Compact Flash
N0170014Blank 2GB Compact Flash
Find a routes trunk members

Access LD 21...

ROUT: enter a Route number, start at zero, but check others too.

This will produce a list of trunks in the specified route.

I'm experiencing T1 problems

Some things to check:

Access LD 60...

TRCK PCK - Select Primary Clock (normal)
LCNT - Check Counters (sync loss count, etc)
RCNT - Reset Counters

Do a loop status (with only one T1, the loop number may bo omitted)


See TRACKING on the third line? This means slave mode (normal setup) set.
Otherwise timing is in FREERUN mode (usually undesirable). It may also indicate problems with the primary clock source.

Check Clocks (Pri & Sec) for loop with LD 73

Access LD 73...

PREF = Loop number of Primary Clock Source
SREF = Loop number of Secondary Clock Source (may be blank with only one T1)

The Loop number should be the same as the T1's loop number, indicating that that T1 is providing the clock.

Note: if the clock source is unstable (eg, prone to drift) the PBX will automatically switch to FREERUN mode. This may, after time, cause the T1 to drop out altogether (LCNT/RCNT) - requiring a manual 'track to Primary reference Clock': TRCK PCK.
The PBX is usually slave to the clock source, which means clock problems are usually PTT or MUX related.

Make a 2016 Display work

To fix the 2016 display will be a 2 step process:

Using MAT, go into station admin and highlight the 2016s that needs to be fixed. Click on features and at the bottom of the page and in the SEARCH BY box, make sure 'feature' and NOT 'feature group' is selected. IF key 7 is assigned a feature (IE. Program, Autodial, message center,etc.), then find the feature of DDS and when DDS pops up , make sure NO DIGIT DISPLAY is in the box, then click OK, then done. Then click on key 7, click on clear, click on ok, click on ok again, then on the main station admin page the sync status should be CHG. Go ahead and send this change to the switch (sync, transmit, selected). What this accomplishes is it nulls key 7.

Key 7 must be clear - with nothing programmed on it before assigning the digit display.

Once the change is submitted to the switch and key 7 is clear, go back into station admin, click on the 2016, click on features, go to DDS and and now you can select automatic digit display, click on OK, click on done, click on OK. Then transmit this to the switch (sync,transmit,selected). this will automatically assign key 7 as the program key and your display should now work.

Changing a phones ring type

Northern Telecom systems can easily allow for 4 different distinctive ring types on digital telephones. This is useful when several phones are located in close proximity to each other.

On a NorStar key system, press: Feature*6
Then press 1, 2, 3, or 4 to pick the ring type. The default is ring type #1.

If you have a Meridian 1 PBX, you will need to log into your PBX. Once logged in, verify the TN of the digital phone you wish to change. Go to LD 20, print the DNB to get TN. Now you can print the TNB in LD 20. When you print the TNB in LD 20, look at the prompt in CLS that starts with DRG. The number following DRG is the ring type. The default is DRG1. To change this prompt, go to LD 11 and do a CHG in the CLS field. You can pick DRG1, DRG2, DRG3, or DRG4. Make the change, call the phone, and see if you like the new ring.

Message Waiting Lamps

For EACH EXTENSION wanting voicemail, the following CLS options must be set in order for the message waiting lamps to function correctly:

For a digital set you need to following:

HUNT xxxx (voicemail number)
FDN xxxx

For an analog set you need the following:

HUNT xxxx
FTR FDN xxxx


MWA-Message Waiting Allowed
FNA-Forward No Answer allowed
(on 'ring no answer', should the call then ring somewhere else? FDN is the DN the call will go to)
HTA-HunTing Allowed
(if the extension is busy, should the call ring somewhere else? HUNT is the DN the call will go to)
LPA-LamP Allowed
(you have to have lamp allowed on an analog sets in order to light the voicemail message waiting lamp or LED. Power for this light comes from the Ring Generator (on shelf), unlike digital sets, which get power from the digital line card)

Stuck Lamp(s):

Program a set, perhaps in the PBX room, with a MCK (Message Cancellation) key. Press this key, and enter the DN of the set with a stuck on message waiting lamp, and press again. The users lamp should go out. Incidentally, an MIK (Message Indication) key turns a lamp on in the same way.

If a user complains his message waiting lamp lights seemingly randomly, check:

  1. If other DN's appear on the TN, if any of those DN's have a voicemail waiting.
  2. If another user is set to light his lamp with an Advanced Search in Voicemail Administration.

Testing the Message Waiting lamp on a phone using MIC and MCK keys:

Check Message Waiting lamp status:

In LD 80, type:

I unplugged my digital phone, now it doesn't work

Digital ports which have no phone attached are routinely disabled.
Ports must be re-enabled to return service, the terminal number (TN) must be known.

Access LD32.
At the REQ: prompt, type:

The LD32 command LDIS will list the TNs of the all the disabled units.
The LD32 command STAT c u (card unit = a TN) will show the status of that TN

Find Disabled TNs

To find TN's disabled by the night routines, go to LD 32 and at the REQ prompt, type LDIS followed by the loop and shelf #. This will list everything for that loop/shelf that is disabled. If there are no disabled sets, you will get a NPR code. Do this for each digital loop that you have.

To find your loop numbers, go to LD 97 (skip if you know your loop numbers)

REQ: prt
TYPE: xpe 
XPEC : (just hit enter) 

This will print out all your (enabled) loops.

4,8,12, etc...

Go to LD 32:

.ldis 4 0 <enter> 

This will show you what is disabled in the specified loop/shelf.
You might have some power TN's so don't delete/count those, but the phones will listed too.

List disabled sets (Option 11)

LDIS m (module) in LD 32 will show you dsbl'ed stations.

For an Option 11, the commands would be:

The number following the LDIS command represents the cabinet number, the Main cabinet being 0.

For large systems, use LDIS l s - loop and shelf - in LD 32.

Looking up System Messages

To look up a system message while within a load, shell out with !
(this will not work for pre Release 21 software):

SCH0600                                type '!' to get a > prompt 
> err sch600                           type ERR followed by the message
> SCH0600 Illegal Input Character 

Or, use: System Message Lookup online. Always look them up. Not all system messages are errors!

Will MOVing my sets cause corruption

X11 MOV Command Clarification
At the request of the DAC M1 Core Task Force, this bulletin is being issued to clarify the current restrictions when using the move command (MOV) in various applications and configurations. The information listed below was verified on Release 25.30 software. Where applicable we have noted known differences in operation on older releases of software.

MOV Command Restrictions
IMPORTANT: Prior to using the MOV command, it is advised that any active device (phone, card, shelf, loop, etc) be disabled.

LD 10 - Analogue Telephones
MOV command can be used to move analogue "IPE" telephones from one loop, shelf, card, unit to another lscu with the following restrictions (includes moves across Superloops):

MOV command can be used to move analogue "EPE" telephones from one unit or card to another, but does not support moving these phones across shelves or loops.

LD 11 - Digital Telephones
MOV command can be used to move digital "IPE" telephones from one loop, shelf, card, unit to another lscu with the following restrictions (includes moves across Superloops):

MOV command can be used to move digital "EPE" telephones from one unit or card to another, but does not support moving these phones across shelves or loops. MOV PAIR command can be used providing the system is on Rls 24 or 25. This command will not function properly on rls 15 - 23, recommend using MOV on these releases of software.


LD 25 - Move Data Blocks
MOV command can be used to move data blocks at a card, shelf or loop level within the following guidelines:

  1. Before using the MOV command, the following hardware should be removed from the source and destination loop, shelf or cards and reconstructed after the move is completed.
    • Consoles
    • Digitone Receivers
    • Dial Tone Detectors
    • Multifrequency Compelled Signalling cards (MFC/MFE)
    • PRA loops
    • ACD telephones
    • All lines associated with the loop or card on the destination side of the move command.
  2. Loops must be configured in LD 17
  3. NT8D17 Conference/TDS card cannot be moved with LD 25
  4. Type of source card must match with the card type on the destination side.
  5. Cannot move Superloop data on a customer basis (SCH5235)

LD 26 - Group Do Not Disturb
MOV command can be used to move DN from one DND Group data block to another.

LD 49 - Flexible Code Restrictions
MOV command can be used to move code restriction data blocks to a new customer and/ or NFCR tree data block.

No dial-tone, excess trunk noise.

When installing a new system, choose a Blank Database. Choosing Default Database will result in no default tone plan being defined. To correct this:

LD 97


LD 17


Changing the above should enable dial tone, and clear excess trunk noise.

How do I remove the ACOD from a CDR record

Applies only to Exacom.

A Meridian CDR record will always have the ACOD prefixing the digits dialed. This will stop Exacom from correctly costing the call.

To remove the ACOD, create a file in Notepad containing the ACOD on one line (nothing else).

Save this file as digasorb.txt and place it in C:/ICP2000/DATA

The PC must be restarted. Re-open Exacom, and check in the server window. The digits received will still contain the ACOD, but not in the top part. The call will be correctly costed.

Reset (disable then re-enable) a tty port

Sometimes TTY ports lock up, and dis/enabling will help...

LD 37

If you are not near a TTY and you have a Maintenance set, you can also do this via the keypad:

SPRE + 91
53#37## (LD 37)
365#889#x## (ENL TTY x)
347#889#x## (DIS TTY x)

Further information: Maintenance Telephone

Manually set Call-Forward on an analog phone

To manually set call forward:

Lift handset
#1 enter ext
hang up!

To Cancel it:

lift handset
hang up!

Miran card has a red alarm, and LED alarm code T:20

On boot (eg, after pressing the cards reset button) the MIRAN will automatically look for a BOOTP server. With cards not using a BOOTP server one should manually enter +++ (three plus signs) to skip this search and continue the boot sequence.

Note: The card connects directly to a PC with a special cable. You can watch the boot process as it progresses with HyperTerminal.

Further information:

How to set up CDR when using (Exacom) Account codes

The meridian switch produces two raw CDR records for each toll call when account codes are set up for the customer.

The Exacom call accounting system will receive the first raw CDR record when the call is actually connected. This raw data will include extension, time call placed and account code.

The second raw CDR record is received when the call is terminated. This raw data will include extension, time call placed, call duration and number dialed.

The final parsed call record will not include the account code until you change CDR data in load 15 as follows:

LD 15 
REQ chg
TYPE cdr
CDR yes
TRCR yes     ← send a Carriage Return after each CDR message
How can I directly access a Trunk to test it

Use a maintenance telephone (CLS needs MTA) and LD 36.

Login on the phone using SPRE+91, then type in 53#36##. This will put you into LD 36.

Then use 875#xx#xx##, where x=the TN of the trunk you want to access.
If the trunk TN is correct, you will be directly connected to it.

Note: # is for space, ## is for return, and **** is to logout the maintenance set.

Further information: Maintenance Telephone

Changing the Displayed Name (CPND)

To change a name (in LD 95), always OUT the old name then add the NEW name.

REQ out
TYPE name
DN 2400
DN 2401

Repeat as required, hit return at DN to finish.

Then add the new name:

REQ new
TYPE name
DN 2400
     NAME Doe, John
DN 2401
     NAME Smith, Mary

You can add more names at the next DN prompt.
Return with no DN, and again at the DCNO prompt, to finish.

You can also add a name to identify incoming trunks, for DN, use the routes ACOD. To Add:

REQ new
TYPE name
DN 82               - 82 is ACOD on the 'ANNEX' T1 route
To Print:
REQ prt
TYPE name
DN 82
DN 82
TYPE TRK            - Type 'TRK' is auto-populated

Now incoming calls on this route will show 'ANNEX' on a 3900 series display.
Note: the station needs CLS options CNDA, DNDA and ADD (or TDD) to see the name display.

No Dial Tone on Analog phones

Analog phones on large systems require a Digitone Receiver (DTR) card for dial tone.
Add a DTR card to a Peripheral Shelf, and program it in LD 13:

TN l s c u

You must do this 8 times, to add Tone channels 0 thru 7.

Print DTR in LD 20.
STAT <dtr TN> in LD 32.

Analog trunks not clearing correctly, or locking up

The trunk card relies on a signal from the PTT to clear trunks when a call is finished; if this signal doesn't come, the trunks can lock up. One way to alleviate this is to force a disconnect after a period of time.

Modify the appropriate trunk route data block, adding a "timed forced disconnect" (TFD) timer.

LD16: CNTL yes, TIMR tfd 3600

This will perform a timed forced disconnect (TFD) after 1 hour, the maximum time period.

Calling Line Identification (CLID)

Sending an extension number to the dialed party over the ISDN D-channel is optional.

LD 15 
CLID yes 
DIDN (yes or no) 

ENTRY 0 is the default assignment to a primary DN in LD 10 or 11.


Using the ENTRY examples below, ENTRY 0 will not pass the extension number in CLID. ENTRY 1 will pass the extension in CLID.

TYPE: clid 
SIZE 256 
ENTRY 0   
ENTRY 1   

Further information: Calling Line Identification (CLID)

Consoles cannot use services requiring DTMF tones

In order for the console to send DTMF tones, "End to End Signaling" (EES) must be enabled and an EES key added. This (toggle) key must be pressed to enable sending tones.

In LD 12:
REQ: chg
TYPE: att, 1250, 2250
TN: l s c u
KEY: xx EES (cannot be key 0 or 1)

To enable tone feedback, goto LD 15:

REG: chg
TYPE: ftr
- EEST (no) yes - yes = tone feedback, type given by DTMF prompt
- DTMF (no) yes - no = single feedback tone, yes = DTMF feedback tone

Hunting and Forwarding do not work

If hunting/forwarding does not work, check KEY 00 to see if it is MARP'd. MARP indicates that this set 'owns' the DN. If it doesn't 'own' the DN, it cannot control the hunting/forwarding conditions. In other words, if not MARP'd, hunting/forwarding will not work as expected!

To add MARP do:

LD 20 
REQ: chg 
TYPE 2616 
TN   4   1   12   1 
ECHG yes 
ITEM key oo scr 4378 
    HNT FNA MARP on TN   004   0   11   01 
MARP yes 


Further information:

PC Attendant stuck in "Position Busy"

Nortel requires that this product be registered within 30 days following installation.
Please verify that your PC Attendant software has been registered. If not, you will need to obtain a registration number from the vendor.

Another reason might be the handset. Check that the handset is plugged in and functional.

Further information: Registering PC Attendant

Call Party Name Display (CPND) over a PRI

For example, on tandem PBX's, the CPND should still work when calling between stations. Check the RCAP (remote capabilities) in the ADAN DCH, and change it to ND1 (Network Name Display). RCAP is often blank, disabling the feature.

Further information: Calling Line Identification (CLID)

How can I remotely Re-boot

Initialise (INI) or Reboot (sysload) from the command line:

INIInitialisation rebuilds call connection data. The switch will be unresponsive to changes in signaling state (on-hook, off-hook, dialing, etc.) until the process is complete. Calls already established will not be affected.
SYSLOADCauses a complete reload of RAM from the hard drive. The system goes down, all calls (active and transient) are dropped. The switch will be unresponsive until complete. Takes significantly longer than an INI.

1. Option 11:

LD 143:
xsl - remote sysload the system
Pass? ohno

2. From PDT:

3. From LD 135:

ini activeWarmstart active core Call from active core
Also warmstarts inactive core after trigger time expiry
ini inactiveWarmstart inactive core Call from active core of Redundant system
Call from inactive core of Split system
ini bothWarmstart both active and inactive core Call from active core of Redundant system
Invalid command in Split mode
sysload activeColdstart active and inactive core of Redundant system
Coldstart active core of Split system.
Call from active core
Resume on previously active core
sysload inactiveColdstart inactive core. Call from active core of Redundant system
Call from inactive core of Split system
sysload bothColdstart active and inactive core of Redundant system
Invalid option in Split mode.
Call from active core

Core Memory types:

Sometimes its not possible to log in. Core cards have two front panel buttons:

Always try an INI first! If that doesn't work, go for a sysload, but plan for some downtime.

Configure "Call Forward External"

If you want to do something like this:

KEY 3 CFW 12 9
where 9 is an access code, then make sure you have:

Check also:

LD 21
Req: PRT
Type: RDR

Look at OPT (Options), you will see either CFF or CFO:

You'll usually want to change CFO to CFF.

Trunk to Trunk must also be enabled for the customer.

Enable "Trunk to Trunk" connections

For Trunk to Trunk connections to work, the following must be set to YES in NET_DATA (LD 15).

Print NET_DATA in LD 21, change it in LD 15.

Trunk to trunk will ONLY work over supervised trunks (LD 14: SUPN=YES, STYP BTS or other supervision type).

To allow Trunk to trunk connections only on a per set basis, in NET_DATA at FTOP prompt enter FTLY instead of the default FRES. Now individual extensions must have CLS set to FTTU in order to perform trunk-to-trunk connections. (Flexible Trunk to Trunk).

Access CS1000 from Base/Sig Server

To access the CS1k (overlays) from Linux:

The Linux Bash Shell also supports ssh, telnet, and rlogin commands, with access to both E and TLAN networks.

Remotely reboot CS1000 from Base/Sig Server

To access the CS1k (overlays) from Linux:

trp - warm start/restart the sl1 task
reboot - performs an init
reboot -1 - a full system restart

Special External Dial-Tone

To make a special external dial-tone for a specific access code, or to cure a strange foreign PBX dial-tone occurring after the access code, first disable dial-tone after dialing AC1 or AC2 by modifying the ESN.

In LD 86: FEAT ESN, change DLTN to NO.

Then in LD 56:

REQ new
TYPE dtad
TONE src1
DDGT <cr>

This will provide TONE after the dialed digit(s) DDGT. The default tone is "dial tone", but we can change it to another source (src1 thru 8), in this example we use src1. Next, we can define a tone for src1.

Still in LD 56, define src1's tones:

REQ chg
TYPE ftc
SRC yes
<cr> to the end.

XTON is the XCT (NT8D17 Conference/TDS) Tone Code, it can be in the range 0-(2)-255.

Help! My PC Console display is blank

After an upgrade, you might find that the console display doesn't work. Include Digit disPlay (IDP) may be the culprit.

Check (print in LD21):

Attendant Data Options: ATT_DATA, OPT IDP - LD 15

If this is not accepted, ie, you get an SCH, check:

Feature Options: FTR_DATA, OPT IDP - LD 15 - Include Digit disPlay. XDP is the default, exclude digit display.

Then, go back and add IDP to the ATT_DATA OPT.

Help! Intermittent DTMF decoding

After an upgrade (with a database conversion), you might find that analogue phones have trouble breaking dial-tone, or dial wrong numbers. The culprit might be in the digitone receiver parameters data block.

Goto LD 97, and PRT DTR. If the minimum accept level 'MINL' is at -3, CHG it to -42 (enter 42 with no minus sign). It often goes to -3 after an upgrade.

Note, if you change MINL, you must delete and rebuild all the Media Gateways DTR's (LD 13) for the new value to take effect.

As everyone knows, 42 is the answer to everything!

Remove "Directory password protection" on a 3900

Goto LD 32 and type: CPWD l s c u

CPWD l s c u - reset or clear directory password (l s c u is the TN of the set in question).

This command will reset the password to the default: 12345678.
You may have to repeat this command several times before it works!

Replace an analog or digital line card with a different card TYPE

When all the programming is removed from a card slot, the slot is still flagged as being that card type and will show against 'LUU'.
To remove the card type flag, and stop the ports from showing against 'LUU', the card has to be removed from the system:

REQ: out
TYPE: cardslt              Single-line telephone card = analog sets / line card
TN    l s c


REQ: out 
TYPE: cardmlt              Multi-line telephone card = digital sets / line card
TN    l s c

PuTTY: Server unexpectedly closed network connection, CS1000E R7.5

If this error occurs when trying to log on to the Call Server (with the correct password), reboot the Primary Security Server (UCM0/SS0).

If this error occurs during an active session, in the 'Session Properties', goto Connection ➤ Sending of null packets to keep session active, and set Seconds between keepalives (0 to turn off) to 300 (e.g. 5 minutes).

Can not login to UCM via Internet Explorer, CS1000E R7.5

SSH to the Server hosting the Element Manager (SS0/SS1), and restart the JBoss Service.
This can be done during business hours, will take about 10 minutes, there is no service interruption.

After logging in to the server CLI, enter:

appstart Jboss-Quantum restart - command is case sensitive

Wait for 'UCM is now ready to use' message (~5 mins), then re-open Internet Explorer and login to UCM.

See also: UCM Status/Restart

List IP phones registered to signalling server, CS1000E R7.5

SSH into each Signalling Server and enter isetShow from the command prompt.

[admin@ss0 ~]$ isetShow

=== TPS ===

Set Information
    IP Address      NAT  Model Name                       Type      RegType  State         Up  Time       Set-TN       Regd-TN           HWID           FWVsn  UNIStimVsn SrcPort DstPort RFC2833PTTx
------------------ ---- -------------------------------- ---------- ------- ------------ -------------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- ------- ---------- ------- ------- ------------             1140E IP Deskphone               1140       Regular online           0 00:02:09 252-00-00-25 252-00-00-25 18-0024b5c61cf6-6244     C8A      3.0      5100    5000    255             1140E IP Deskphone               1140       Regular online           0 00:02:01 252-00-00-30 252-00-00-30 18-0024b5c61076-6244     C8A      5.0      5100    5000    255             1140E IP Deskphone               1140       Regular online           0 00:02:01 252-00-00-18 252-00-00-18 18-0024b5c616b9-6244     C8A      5.0      5100    5000    255

To 'balance' the load evenly between each signalling server, enter loadBalance from either.
Note, load balancing can only be initiated from a signalling server, not from the call server.

Or, in LD 117:

=> stat iset all
Set Information

IP Address    Type    State    Regd-TN           HWID                  FWVsn  Prime DN  DES    Node  TPS TLAN IP
------------  ------  -------  ----------------  --------------------  ------ --------  ------ ----  ------------   1120    unreg    0252-00-000-25    18-0024b5c61cf6-6244  C8A    3386      TEST   5881   1120    online   0252-00-000-30    18-0024b5c61076-6244  C8A    3354      ABC054 5881   1120    online   0252-00-000-18    18-0024b5c616b9-6244  C8A    3345      ABC033 5881

LD 117, ECNT will count IP sets, eg:

=> ecnt zone 10        or NODE, SS (sig server), CARD l s c, MODL (model), FW (firmware), etc
Zone: 10
Number of Registered Ethersets : 10
Number of Unregistered Ethersets : 2
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