Mike's PBX Cookbook

UCM Status/Restart


Element Manager:

Missing Password in input xml file.

User authentication to CS1000 Call Server failed. 1. Check whether Radius is turned ON for Central Authentication. 2. Check the Username and password of CS1000 component for Local Authentication.


If you're having trouble logging in to a CS1K or Element Manager (Rel 7.5), restarting the Jboss application from the CLI often helps.

1 Log into UCM0/SS0 CLI with admin2.

2 Check the UCM status:

[admin2@ss0 ~]$ appstart Jboss-Quantum status
jbossd (pid 3602 3601) is running...

3 To restart the UCM:

[admin2@ss0 ~]$ appstart Jboss-Quantum restart
                                                           [  OK  ]
                                                           [  OK  ]
Synchronizing the system host database file                [  OK  ]
Stopping jbossd:kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobs
pec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
                                                           [  OK  ]
Starting Jboss daemon procss                               [  OK  ]
[admin2@ss0 ~]$

4 As always, wait for the UCM is now ready to use message (~5 mins) before trying to use it:

Message from syslogd@ss0 at Oct  9 11:39:49 ...
    UCM is now ready to use.

[admin2@ss0 ~]$

5 Unfortunately, if this doesn't work, try unreg u s followed by reg u cs in LD 117, then telnet into each MGC to do joinSecDomain. See Check Registered Elements. This process may incur some service interruption.