CS1000E Rls. 7.5 Hardware overview
A typical 7.5 installation may utilise one or more MG1010 chassis, and cards,
in the following configuration.
▶ Configure a data switch (4550T) with two V-LANS
- Designate the top (even) port row E-LAN. The bottom (odd) port row T-LAN.
▶ TTY cables should be built for the MCU
- Needed to access the core cards TTY ports
- RJ45 to MRV (if available), or PC
▶ CPDC card in slot CP22 (UCM, Deployment: SS, NRS)
- Pre-populate card with 250Gb Hard Drive (Part: ava-ntdw08aae6).
- This will be used for UCM0, and the deployment server, no dongle is required.
- Put the Avaya REDHAT installation USB thumb-drive in a front USB slot.
- Requires E-LAN and T-LAN connections.
▶ CPPM card in slot CP21 (CS1K - Call Server)
- Pre-populate card with 1Gb Compact Flash Drive (part: N0005129)
- This will be used for CS Core-0. Check keycode sheet, and fit the appropriate dongle.
- Put the VXWORKS installation Compact Flash in the front RMD slot
- A Call Server requires the E-LAN only.
▶ MGC card in slot MGC
- Pre-populate card with DSP daughter board(s)
- Requires E-LAN and T-LAN connections.
▶ UDT cards in slot 1 on
- 7.5 systems do not have a Network shelf, digital trunks will move to UDT cards.
- Pre-populate the first card in each shelf with a clock controller.
▶ CallPilot in slot 9
- If you are installing a 202i, put it in the same shelf as your main digital trunks.
- Connect a USB CDROM, keyboard, monitor, and mouse to install the CP software.
- CallPilot requires the E-LAN only.
▶ If this is a High Availability system, prepare a second MG1010, and cards.
- The CPDC will be UCM1, the CPPM Core-1 with a second dongle.
- Prepare the HSP (high speed link) cable (blue) between the two cores.
- The finished rack may look like this, or like this (HA).
▶ What now?
- Continue to install and configure the software.
- Relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights.