Mike's PBX Cookbook

SSC Database Restore

Hopefully you will never have to do this, but if you do, a recent backup will be invaluable!

Small System (Option 11) software is stored in various areas of the NTDK20 Small System Controller (SSC) card.

If any of these areas becomes corrupt, a database restore will be required.

Database Restore Methods:

Type of Restore Description
Restore from backup flash The database in the backup flash drive (Z:) is written to the primary flash drive (C:)
Restore from external drive (PC Card) Database that was backed up using the BKO method (LD 43) and stored on an external drive (B:) is written to the primary flash drive (C:)
Install an archived database Database that was backed up using the archive method (Utilities menu) and stored on an external drive (A:) is written to the primary flash drive (C:)
CCBR restore Database stored on a remote PC or disk is written to the primary flash drive (C:)

Archive Database and Remote Backup/Restore are covered elsewhere in this section.

The following procedures are not routine, and should only be used either by a trained technician, or when instructed.

Restore from backup flash drive

The following procedure describes how to restore a database from the backup flash drive (Z:), backed up using the EDD method (LD 43). The backup source is "Backup Flash Drive".

  1. Login, type LD 143, and press <cr>
  2. Type UPGRADE, and press <cr>
  3. Select Main Cabinet. The system responds with the Software Installation Menu.
  4. Select Utilities from the main menu
  5. Select Restore Backed Up Database (item 1) from the "Utilities Menu"
  6. Select Backup Flash Drive (item 1) from the "select source" menu
    The system responds with:
    Restoring Primary drive from Flash Drive...

    Are you sure you wish to perform the Restore?
  7. Enter y (for yes), if you're sure, otherwise a to abort the procedure.
    The system restores the backed up database and displays a message indicating success, or failure.
  8. If the restoration fails, return to step 4.
  9. If successful, to complete the restore perform a SYSLOAD: power cycle the main cabinet.

A SYSLOAD (system reload) is required in order to load the system from the primary flash drive into DRAM (main memory).

You can also SYSLOAD the PBX in LD 143, use the XSL (External Sysload) command to reload the database.
The password is OHNO and can not be changed.

Restore from external drive

The following procedure describes how to restore a database that was backup using the BKO method (LD 43) and stored on an external drive (B:). This method writes data from the external drive to the primary flash drive (C:). The backup source is "External Drive".

  1. Login to the system
  2. Insert the PC Card containing the backup database in the right PC Card drive (B:)
  3. Type LD 143, and press <cr>
  4. Type UPGRADE, and press <cr>
  5. Select Main Cabinet. The system responds with the Software Installation Menu.
  6. Select Utilities from the main menu
  7. Select Restore Backed Up Database (item 1) from the "Utilities Menu"
  8. Select External Drive (item 2) from the "select source" menu
    The system responds with:
    Restoring Primary drive from Flash Drive...

    Are you sure you wish to perform the Restore?
  9. Enter y (for yes), if you're sure, otherwise a to abort the procedure.
    The system restores the backed up database and displays a message indicating success, or failure.
  10. If the restoration fails, return to step 6.
  11. If successful, to complete the restore perform a SYSLOAD: power cycle the main cabinet...

A SYSLOAD (system reload) is required in order to load the system from the primary flash drive into DRAM (main memory).

You can also SYSLOAD the PBX in LD 143, use the XSL (External Sysload) command to reload the database.
The password is OHNO and can not be changed.

If you are not able to log into the system (due to say, a password problem), complete step 2 and then power off the system. Re-apply power and watch the HyperTerminal screen. When prompted, type Ctrl-i (control key and i) to enter the Software Installation Menu, select Utilities, and continue with step 7.

After restoring the database, perform a LD 43 EDD to write the DRAM to the primary and backup flash drives (C: and Z:). If EDD fails (with a EDD0018 or similar error), try EDD CLR (clear inhibit flag) or EDD IWC (inhibit write check). This forces the program to ignore any mismatch errors generated and write the database files anyway. Follow this again with a regular EDD command. All should now be normal, with no further errors.