Mike's PBX Cookbook

SSC Archive Database

A PCMCIA Flashdisk (or compact flash card with PCMCIA adapter) is required for this procedure. Note: Cards with capacities greater than 64 Meg are NOT supported. A 32 Meg Compact Flash with PCMCIA adapter is suitable for back-ups.

How to Archive (backup) a Database from an SSC card

  1. LOGIN to system
  2. Insert PCMCIA card you wish to archive the database to into Drive "A"
  3. Goto: LD 143
  4. Type: upgrade
  5. Type: 2 (Call Server/Main Cabinet)
  6. Type: 3 (Utilities)
  7. Type: 2 (Archive Database Utilities)
  8. Type: 3 (Archive a customer Database)
  9. Type the name of the database you are archiving (max 8 characters, alphanumeric)
  10. Press: <enter>
  11. When the archive copy is completed, type: Q (Quit)

- End of Procedure -

How to Install (restore) an Archived a Database onto an SSC card

  1. LOGIN to system
  2. Insert the PCMCIA card containing the archived database into Drive "A"
  3. Goto: LD 143
  4. Type: upgrade
  5. Type: 2 (Call Server/Main Cabinet)
  6. Type: 3 (Utilities)
  7. Type: 3 (Install Archived Database)
  8. Select the database you want to install
  9. Verify the database to be installed and type: Y (Yes)
  10. After the database has been restored, type: Q (Quit)
  11. "Are you sure?" type: YES
  12. (still in LD 143) type: XSL (External Sysload)
  13. Type: Y to confirm
  14. PASSWORD: OHNO (this password can not be changed)
  15. The system will reload the database

- End of Procedure -


The archived database may be copied to a PC hard drive or CD if further storage of the database is required. Archived databases do not carry the system specific serial number. Because of this, the database may be installed on any other system with an SSC card with the same or lower software level. However, the target system must have the necessary packages, and ISM parameters.

If the PCMCIA card is inserted into the B-Drive, a LD 43, EDD may be performed. The database will be copied to the PCMCIA card just like the floppy on the large systems. However, the database will carry the system specific serial number and can only be restored to the same system.

Archive example:

Main Cabinet Software Installation Main Menu :

1. New Install or Option 11/11E Upgrade  - From Software DaughterBoard
2. System Upgrade
3. Utilities
4. New System Installation - From Software Delivery Card

[q]uit, [h]elp or [?], <cr> - redisplay

Enter Selection : 3

Utilities Menu :

1.  Restore Backed Up Database
2.  Archive Database Utilities
3.  Install Archived Database
4.  Review Upgrade Information
5.  Clear Upgrade Information
6.  Undo Installation
7.  Flash Boot ROM Utilities
8.  Current Installation Summary
9.  Change 3900 series set languages.
10.  IP FPGA Utilities

[q]uit, [p]revious, [m]ain menu, [h]elp or [?], <cr> - redisplay

Enter Selection : 2

Customer Database Archives:

1. List customer databases.
2. Remove customer database.
3. Archive a customer database.

[q]uit, [p]revious, [m]ain menu, [h]elp or [?], <cr> - redisplay

Enter Selection : 3

Enter a Customer name for your customized data :
1062012                         ← max 8 characters, alphanumeric

Customer database created: 1062012
Copying database from primary drive to  1062012
Archive copy completed. 

When complete, return to the [m]ain menu, and press [q]uit to exit.
The Archive a customer database procedure is non-service affecting.