Mike's PBX Cookbook

Phantom/Virtual Superloops

Phantom Superloops are used for phantom DN's. Phantom DN's are used as an alternative to dummy (secondary) ACD queues, and typically route calls to Meridian Mail or Call Pilot dialable services (via the VSDN or SDN table). Phantom DN's exist only in software, there's no hardware.

"Virtual DN's" are similar, they also exist only in software, but are used for IP sets and trunks.

Note: A superloop cannot mix both phantom and virtual units, it must be one or the other.

Print Common Equipment in LD 22 to list Superloops (SUPL):

>LD 22
REQ  prt                  print
TYPE  cequ                common equipment
SUPL 000  004  008  012
    016  032  036  040
    048  P064 V252        

Superloops are configured in LD 97:

>LD 97
REQ  chg                  always changed
TYPE supl                 superloop
SUPL N96                  prefix loop with: N=Phantom, V=Virtual, X=remove

Virtual TN's (IP phones):

N & V superloops behave just like physical superloops, but without hardware.
Virtual TN's for IP phones/trunks follow the same rules as any other TN:

Multiples of 40 → 10 → 150 → 31

So, 32 units per card, 16 cards per shelf, 2 shelves per superloop = 1024 TN's (IP phones) per Virtual Superloop!

Note: Its recommended to program Phantom and Virtual loops from the highest loop number backward to prevent conflicts if the system is ever expanded later. Virtual loops (for IP Phones) are typically built from 252 down.

Option 11C Phantom Loops

Option 11C Loops are a little different to those of large systems. On Opt 11C, Rls 23.55, loop number range is 64-80 in multiples of 4 - corrisponding to slots 41-60. With Rls 24+, the Opt 11C range is increased to 96-112 in multiples of 4 - corresponding to slots 61-80. Use the following tables to figure out the Loop and associated TN values for Option 11C switches.

Opt 11C Phantom Loops & associated TNs

LoopAssociated Phantom CardsUnits
76 535455560-15
80 575859600-15

Opt 11C with Line side expansion (LSE)

LoopAssociated Phantom CardsUnits

Option 11C with Line Side Expansion (LSE): X11 Release 24 software added 32 to the loop and 20 to the Terminal Numbers (just to confuse you).

Save changes!

When you have finished modifying the configuration, save the changes in LD 43:

>LD 43
.edd             ← enter EDD to save customer data