Mike's PBX Cookbook

Periodic Maintenance

Refer to Meridian PBX - Routine Maintenance

1. Power

• Battery Cell Readings:

Measure individual cell voltage to 2 decimal places (nominal 2.20 vpc).
Low or high reading cells should be inspected for physical damage, or signs of leakage.

1 2 3 4 5 6 
7 8 9 10 11 12 
13 14 15 16 17 18 
19 20 21 22 23 24 

• Batteries General:

Visual inspection 
Connections torqued 
Backup load testTested:Time:

• Rectifiers:

Nominal voltage: 52.8 vdc (2.20 vpc). Refer to MPR25 Rectifier Adjustment.

Balance adjusted 
Visual inspection 

• MFA 150 Loads:

Unit's should be adjusted so the load is evenly balanced. Refer to MPR25 Rectifier Adjustment.
This may be done on load. Measure and record MFA150 front panel current indications:

# 1 # 4 
# 2  # 5 
# 3  # 6 

• Grounding:

Inspect "single point ground" for signs of corrosion. Check voltage to building ground.
Voltage should be less than 1 volt. Refer to PBX Ground Path Tests.

Visual inspection 
Switch room Inspect 

2. Switching Equipment

• Base switch:

The importance of good data backups cannot be stressed enough!

Type of system 
Release Information 
Database Backup Remote:External:
Remote modemNumber:Tested:

Remote backup: via XMODEM to PC - External backup: to floppy disk or PCMCIA card.
Refer to SSC Database Backup.

No. of Cabinets/nodes 
Vacant slots, etc 
Filter condition 
Additional Info 

3. Peripherals

Record software release, verify correct operation, and perform backups where possible.


Release Information   
Sync from/to switch 
Date of current B/U 

• Voice Mail:

Type of system 
Release Information 
Date of current B/U     

• Call Cost Accounting:

Type of system 
Release Information 
Date of current B/U     

• Voice Recorder(s):

Type of system 
Release Information 
Verify units working    

• Misc. 1:

Type of system 
Release Information 

• Misc. 2:

Type of system 
Release Information