Mike's PBX Cookbook

Ringing Number Pickup

Call Pickup:

There are three independent types of Call Pickup:

  1. Call Pickup: PUA
    You're in a group, someone in your group rings, you can pickup the call with: SPRE+3 / press RNP key

  2. Group pickup: GPUA
    You're in a group, or not, but you want to pickup a call from another group: SPRE+94+# / press GPU key + #

  3. DN pickup: DPUA
    You're in a group, or not, but you want to pickup a call from a ringing DN: SPRE+95+<DN> / press DPU key + DN

Join a Pickup Group:

Sets are added individually to a Pickup Group (RNPG).
Digital sets get a pickup key, analog sets use the SPRE code.

LD 10/11, use easy change:

REQ:   chg
TYPE:  3904            set type
TN     l s c u         terminal number (loop, shelf, card, unit)
ECHG   yes             yes, lets do an "Easy Change"!
ITEM   cls pua         pickup allowed
ITEM   rnpg x          pickup Group Number, or 0 to remove from a group
ITEM   key xx rnp      add a pickup key 
ITEM   <enter>

Print Pickup Groups/Members:

List groups in LD 81:

REQ   lst
FEAT  pua
RNPG  1 50             to list all the members in groups 1 - 50 in group order
FEAT  <enter>

Call Pickup, CLS and Key options:

Refer to the following table for Pickup types and CLS/Key options:

Call Pickupsm_tick.pngPUARNP3
Group Pickup-GPUAGPU94+#


Call Pickup, Directed:

Directed Call Pickup adds two new methods of Call Pickup to the existing Call Pickup feature:

Directed DN Pickup (DPU) is one way to set up night-bells.

Call Pickup operation:

Note: the default SPRE code is 1 (one), but it might be something else. To find the SPRE code, print FTR_DATA in LD 21. It is set in the Customer Data Block FTR_DATA, in LD 15.