Mike's PBX Cookbook

Feature Activation Codes


Extension features of the Meridian system can help extension users save time and effort, making their working day more efficient.
Features are activated and deactivated by keying codes into the telephone set and, in the case of digital sets, by pressing keys for certain features. There are two methods of invoking features, namely Special Prefix (SPRE) code working and Flexible Feature Code (FFC) working.

Flexible Feature Code (FFC) Working

Flexible Feature Code working allows the System Administrator to assign their own codes to chosen features. This allows each Meridian 1 to be tailored to a logical pattern of codes to suit each company or to retain the same feature codes as those used on their previous telephone system. Flexible Feature Codes are set and printed through Program 57. Refer to Flexible Feature Codes.

Feature NameFFC
Authorisation code *21
Automatic set relocation *90
Automatic set removal *92
Automatic Wake-up *40
Automatic Wake-up (Cancel) *41
Automatic Wake-up (Verify) *42
Call Forward all calls #1
Call Forward all calls (Cancel) #1
Call Forward Destination Deactivation *29
Call Forward/HUNT override via FFC *27
Call Park #51
Call Park Retrieve #52
Cancel Remote Call Forward *57
Charge Account #56
Electronic Lock (Off) *59
Electronic Lock (On) *58
Group Hunt - Opt in #58
Group Hunt - Opt out #59
Internal call forward #67
Internal call forward (Cancel) #68
Last Number Re-dial *44
Maintenance access for telephone *93
Feature Name FFC
Make Set Busy (500) [Deny] #62
Malicious Call Trace *28
Night Service pick-up *8
Override *26
Permanent Hold #55
Pick-up, Call **0
Pick-up, Directed *09
Pick-up, Group *00
Remote Call Forward *56
Ring again #31
Ring again (Cancel) #32
Set based Administration - Installer *96
Set based Administration - User *97
Speed Call, Erase entry #34
Speed Call, Controller Code #33
Speed Call, User Code #23
System Speed Call, User Code *3
Station control password change *98
Store called number *24
Stored number, Re-dial *25
Trunk Maintenance *91
Trunk verify code *95

SPRE Code Working

This method of working is not very common. These codes are used by extension users without multi frequency tone key phones.

SPRE code working consist of two parts:- SPRE code followed by Fixed Feature Code

The SPRE code tells the system that a feature is about to be activated or deactivated and the Fixed Feature Code identifies the particular feature.

The SPRE code can be changed to be any value (maximum 4 digits) so long as it doesn't clash with the extension number range or access codes for routes. The Option 11 system default SPRE code is 12. (Print the SPRE code in LD 21, PRT, FTR_DATA).

The Fixed Feature Codes however cannot be changed. Common codes are below:-

Feature Name FFC
Ring Again 1
Cancel Ring Again 2
Answer Call Pickup 3
Answer Group Pickup 94
Directed (DN) Pickup 95
Authorisation Code 6
Call Park 71
Retrieve Parked Call 72
Dial System Speed Call 73
Store Speed Call (personal) 75
Dial Speed Call (personal) 76
Dial Speed Call (system) 73
Feature Name FFC
Call Forward all Calls 74
Call Forward All Calls (cancel) 74
Hold (Permanent) 77
Store Number for Redial 78
Dial Stored Number Redial 79
Last Number Redial 89
Night Service Pickup 4
Charge Account 5
Automatic Set Relocation 81
Internal Call Forward 9914
Internal Call Forward (Cancel) 9914
Malicious Call Trace 83
User Selectable Call Redirection 9915

Activating Features From Digital Sets

With digital sets some features must be assigned to a programmable key whereas other features can be invoked either by dialing a feature code or be assigned to a key.

The following features if used must be assigned to a programmable key for activation:-

The following features may be assigned to a key or invoked using the relevant feature code :-

Listing all the Flexible Feature Codes on your System

You can print out the current code for all FFCs on your system using Program 57.

LD 57 - Load Program 57

TYPEFFC Flexible Feature Code
CUST0 Set to 0 unless using the multi-customer feature
CODEALL List every code

The system responds by printing all FFCs, and a typical printout is shown below.

ASRC *90              Automatic Set Relocation code
AUTH *21              Authorization code
AWUA *40              Automatic Wake Up Activate code
AWUD *41              Automatic Wake Up Deactivate code
AWUV *42              Automatic Wake Up Verify code
CDRC #56              CDR Charge Account code
CFWA #1               Call Forward All Calls Activate code
CFWD #1               Call Forward All Calls Deactivate code
CFWV                  Call Forward All Calls Verify code
COND                  Conference Diagnostics code
CPAC *52              Call Park Access code
CPRK *51              Call Park code
C6DS                  Six-Party Conference code
DEAF                  Deactivate Feature code
DPVS                  Data Port Verification code
ELKA *58              Electronic Lock Activate code
ELKD *59              Electronic Lock Deactivate code
PLDN 2090             Pilot DN code
GRPF                  Group Call code
HOLD #55              Permanent Hold code
CFHO                  Call Forward/HUNT Override via FFC code
IMS                   Integrated Message System access code
MNTC *93              Maintenance Access code
MTRC *28              Malicious Call Trace code
OVRD *26              Override and Priority Override code
RPAX                  Radio Paging Access code
RPAN                  Radio Paging Answer call code
ITXX                  For '1xx' Special Service CO route
PUDN *09              Pick Up DN code
PUGR *00              Pick Up Group code
PURN **0              Pick Up Ringing Number code
RCFA *56              Remote Call Forward Activate code
RCFD *57              Remote Call Forward Deactivate code
RCFV                  Remote Call Forward Verify code
RDLN *44              Redial Last Number code
RDNE                  Redial Number Erase code
RDSN *25              Redial Saved Number code
RDST *24              Redial Store code
RGAA #31              Ring Again Activate code
RGAD #32              Ring Again Deactivate code
RGAV                  Ring Again Verify code
RMST                  Room Status code
SCPC *98              Station Control Password Change code
SPCC #33              Speed Call Controller code
SPCE #34              Speed Call Erase code
SPCU #23              Speed Call User code
SSPU *3               System Speed Call User code
TFAS *8               Trunk Answer From Any Station code
TRMD                  Terminal Diagnostics code
TRVS *95              Trunk Verification code
USTA                  User Status code
LILO                  Log In-Log Out for 500/2500 ACD sets code
NRDY                  Not Ready Activate/Deactivate for 500/2500 ACD sets
GHTA #58              Group Hunt Termination Allowed code
GHTD #59              Group Hunt Termination Disallowed code
SADS                  SAR Disable code
SAEN                  SAR Enable code
SALK                  SAR Lock code
SAUN                  SAR Unlock code
ATDA                  Autodial Activated code
ATDD                  Autodial Deactivated code
CWGA                  Call Waiting Activated code
CWGD                  Call Waiting Deactivated code
MSBA #61              Make Set Busy Activated code
MSBD #62              Make Set Busy Deactivated code
MWUA                  Multiple Wake Up Activated code
MWRA                  Repeat Multiple Wake Up Activated code
MWUD                  Multiple Wake Up Deactivated code
AREM *92              Automatic Set Removal code
ADMN *91              Set-based Administration sequence code
ICFA #67              Internal Call Forward Activate code
ICFD #68              Internal Call Forward Deactivate code
ICFV                  Internal Call Forward Verify code
USCR #69              User Selectable Call Redirection code
INST *96              Set based administration Installer
USER *97              Set based administration User code
BNRA                  Activate the Busy Number Redial feature
BNRD                  Deactivate the Busy Number Redial feature
CCFA                  Activate the Customer Call Forward feature
CCFD                  Deactivate the Customer Call Forward feature
OCBA                  Activate the Outgoing Call Barring feature
OCBD                  Deactivate the Outgoing Call Barring feature
OCBV                  Verify Outgoing Call Barring feature
CFDD *29              Call forward destination deactivation code

Listing a Particular Flexible Feature Code

You can identify the code for a particular feature by using Overlay 57.
The following example shows how to print the Flexible Feature Code associated with the "Ring Again Activation (RGAA)" feature.

LD 57 - Load Program 57

TYPE FFC Flexible Feature Code
CUST  0 Set to 0 unless using the multi-customer feature
CODE RGAA Ring Again Activation

 The system responds with:-

FFCT YESFlexible Feature Confirmation Tone
RGAA #31← this is the code!
CODE Carriage return back to the REQ prompt

Adding a New Flexible Feature Code

A code for any FFC can be added using Program 57.
The following example shows a new "Ring Again Activation Code (RGAA)" of #66 being added:

LD 57  - Load Program 57

TYPE FFCFlexible Feature Code
CODE RGAAEnter the feature
RGAA #66Enter the desired code
RGAA Carriage return back to the REQ prompt

Deleting a Flexible Feature Code

Use Program 57 to delete an FFC.
The following example shows a "Ring Again Activation Code (RGAA)" of #66 being deleted:

LD 57  - Load Program 57

REQ OUTDelete a code
TYPE FFCFlexible Feature Code
CODE RGAAEnter the feature
RGAA XEnter an X to remove
RGAA #66Enter the current code to out it
RGAA Carriage return back to the REQ prompt

Changing a Flexible Feature Code

To change an FFC delete the existing code and then add the new code.