Mike's PBX Cookbook

Flexible Feature Codes

Flexible Feature Codes (FFC) allow you to define different dialing codes for various features in place of existing Special Prefix (SPRE) codes. You can define codes as required in LD 57 (FFC).

Codes can be up to 4 digits long (or 7 with DN Expansion: pkg 150) and use Digits 0 thru 9, asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#).
The Special Prefix (SPRE) must be assigned in LD 15 for FFCs to work for those features which also use SPRE codes.
When FFCT is YES (LD 57), a confirmation tone (the special dial tone) is returned after completing some features.

Print the FFCs on your system in LD 57:

REQ  prt
TYPE ffc           Flexible Feature Code
CODE all           List every code
CUST 00 
FFCT NO            Flexible Feature Confirmation Tone, yes/no

Change a FFC on your system in LD 57:

REQ  chg
TYPE ffc
CODE tfas          Enter the feature to change
TFAS #7            Enter the new code
TFAS               Hit return...
CODE               and again...
MEM AVAIL: (U/P): 1054754    USED U P: 200283 121218    TOT: 1376255 

See Feature Activation Codes for more information on programming.

Flexible Feature Code prompt list:

ADMNxxxxSet-based Administration sequence code.
AFTOxxxxDSN Flash Precedence code.
AREMxxxxAutomatic Set Removal code.
ASRCxxxxAutomatic Set Relocation code.
ATDAxxxxAutodial Activate code.
ATDDxxxxAutodial Deactivate code.
ATVFxxxxDSN Immediate Precedence code.
ATVMxxxxPriority Precedence code.
ATVPxxxxDSN Flash Override Precedence code.
AUTHxxxxAuthorization code.
AVNRxxxxDSN Routine Call code.
AUTHxxxxAuthorization Code.
AWUAxxxxAutomatic Wake Up Activate code.
AWUDxxxxAutomatic Wake Up Deactivate code.
AWUVxxxxAutomatic Wake Up Verify code.
BNRAxxxxBusy Number Redial code.
BNRDxxxxBusy Number Redial Deactivate code.
CCFAxxxxCustomer Call Forward code.
CCFDxxxxCustomer Call Forward Deactivate code.
CDRCxxxxCall Detail Recording Charge Account code.
CFDDxxxxCall Forward Destination Deactivation.
CFHOxxxxCall Forward/Hunt Override code.
CFWAxxxxCall Forward All Calls Activate code.
CFWDxxxxCall Forward All Calls Deactivate code.
CFWVxxxxCall Forward All Calls Verify code.
CONDxxxxConference Diagnostics code.
CPACxxxxPark Access Call code.
CPPxxxxCalling Party Privacy code.
CPPOxxxxCalling Party Privacy Override code.
CPRKxxxxPark Call code.
CSHFxxxxCentrex Switchhook Flash code.
C6DSxxxxSix-Party Conference code.
CWGAxxxxCall Waiting Activate code.
CWGDxxxxCall Waiting Deactivate code.
DEAFxxxxDeactivate Ring Again and FWD codes.
DPVSxxxxData Port Verification code.
ELKAxxxxElectronic Lock Activate code.
ELKDxxxxElectronic Lock Deactivate code.
EOVRxxxxEnhanced Override code.
FDISxxxxForced Disconnect code.
GHTAxxxxGroup Hunt Termination Allowed code.
GHTDxxxxGroup Hunt Termination Disallowed code.
GRHPxxx xxxxGroup Hunt Pilot DN
- CFBA(NO) YESCall Forward Busy Activate
- USE(GPHT)Initiate Group Hunting.
- LSNnnnList number.
- HTYPaaaHunting type.
GRPFxxxxGroup Call code.
GRCLxxxxGroup Call List number.
HIDNxxxxHospitality Identification (Hospitality Management) code.
HOLDxxxxPermanent Hold code.
ICFAxxxxInternal Call Forward Activate code.
ICFDxxxxInternal Call Forward Deactivate code.
ICFVxxxxInternal Call Forward Verify code.
INSTxxxxSet-based Administration Installer code.
HRELxxxxHospitality Relocation (Hospitality Management) code.
ICPAxxxxIntercept Computer Interface Activate code.
ICPDxxxxIntercept Computer Interface Deactivate code.
ICPOxxxxIntercept Computer Interface Override code.
ICPPxxxxIntercept Computer Interface Print code.
IMSxxxxIntegrated Message System access code.
ITXXxxxxFor oe1xx Special Services (up to four digits) CO route.
- RTXXxxxxCO route number for the oe1xx service.
LILOxxxxLog In-Log Out for 500/2500 ACD sets code.
MLIOxxxxMulti-language I O code.
MNTxxxxEnter set-based Maintenance sequence code.
IMSxxxxIntegrated Message System Access code.
LILOxxxxLogin, Logoff code for analog (500/2500 type) ACD telephones.
MNTCxxxxMaintenance Access code.
MSBAxxxxMake Set Busy Activate code.
MSBDxxxxMake Set Busy Deactivate code.
MTRCxxxxMalicious Call Trace code.
MWRAxxxxMultiple Wake Up Repeat Activate code.
MWUAxxxxMultiple Wake Up Activate code.
MWUDxxxxMultiple Wake Up Deactivate code.
NRDYxxxxNot Ready Activate or Deactivate code for analog (500/2500 type) ACD telephones.
OVRDxxxxOverride/Priority Override code.
OCBAxxxxOutgoing Call Barring feature code.
OCBDxxxxOutgoing Call Barring Deactivate code.
OCBVxxxxVerify the Outgoing Call Barring feature code.
PCAAxxxxPersonal Call Assistant Activate code.
PCADxxxxPersonal Call Assistant Deactivate code.
PCAVxxxxPersonal Call Assistant Verify code.
PGAPxxxxAnswer Parallel Paging code.
PGIPxxxxInitiate Parallel Paging code.
PGSPxxxxInitiate Serial Paging code.
PLDNxxxxPilot DN code.
- USEaaaaUse (aaaa = GPHT, SCLU, or SCLC).
- LSNOnnnnList Number.
- HTYPaaaHunting Type (aaa = (LIN) or RRB)
- CFWI(NO) YES Call Forward All Calls have priority over Group Hunting.
- MQUEaaaaLimit to calls Queued against pilot DN (aaa = (ALL), 0, 1, or ACTM).
PONWxxxxPriority Override Network Wide.
PUDNxxxxPick Up Directory Number code.
PUGRxxxxPick Up Group code.
PUGRxxxxPick Up Group code.
PURNxxxxPick Up Ringing Number code.
RCFAxxxxRemote Call Forward Activate code.
RCFDxxxxRemote Call Forward Deactivate code.
RCFVxxxxRemote Call Forward Verify code.
RDLNxxxxRedial Last Number code.
RDNExxxxRedial Number Erase code.
RDSNxxxxRedial Saved Number code.
RDSTxxxxRedial Store code.
RGAAxxxxRing Again Activate code.
RGADxxxxRing Again Deactivate code.
RGAVxxxxRing Again Verify code.
RMSTxxxxRoom Status code.
RPANxxxxRadio Paging Answer Call code.
RPAXxxxxRadio Paging Access code.
SADSxxxxScheduled Access Restriction Disable code.
SAENxxxxScheduled Access Restriction Enable code.
SALKxxxxScheduled Access Restriction Lock code.
SAUNxxxxScheduled Access Restriction Unlock code.
SCPCxxxxStation Control Password Change code.
SFACxxxxSecretarial Filtering Access code.
SPCCxxxxSpeed Call Controller code.
SPCExxxxSpeed Call Erase code.
SPCUxxxxSpeed Call User code.
SSPUxxxxSystem Speed Call User code.
TFASxxxxTrunk Answer from Any Station code.
TNDNxxxxEnter the DN-to-TN conversion utility code.
TRMDxxxxTerminal Diagnostics code.
TRVSxxxxTrunk Verification code.
USCRxxxxUser Selectable Call Redirection.
USERxxxxSet-based Administration User code.
USTAxxxxUser Status code.
VTLFxxxxVirtual Office Terminal Logoff.
VTLNxxxxVirtual Terminal Login