Mike's PBX Cookbook

Free up Unused TN's

Over time, a number of unused or orphaned station TN's may accumulate. This can cause an inaccurate licensing burden, and wasted hardware. It's therefore desirable to do some periodic 'spring cleaning'. Also take this opportunity to remove unused station jumpers.

1Log on to the PBX, via Serial, PuTTY or Hyperterminal

2For each module or shelf, use the command LDIS in LD 32 to list disabled units.

Note: If LD 30 is included in the Daily Routines, any programmed but disconnected sets will be automatically disabled.

LD 32
.ldis l s                   list disabled units on loop and shelf (module # for Option 11)

If you have a very large system, you might want to do this with a script...

Any disabled TN's are identified by: CARD XX UNIT XX
Make a note of this, with the associated loop and shelf.

Alternatively, use LD 117 to generate a SETS inventory, and print it:

LD 117
=> inv gen sets           generate the inventory file for digital sets
=> inv prt sets           print the sets inventory

Sets inventory:
 2616, 004 0 04 03, <Unavailable>, 2616  , 6203
 2616, 004 0 06 01, M2616      NT9K16AC 03 04 F66A03 , 2616  , 6301

Sets which are programmed but disconnected are listed as <Unavailable>

3For each unit reported disabled, enable it to ensure there is no set connected:

Perform the following for each reported unit:

LD 32
.enlu l s c u             enable loop, shelf, card, unit (TN)
.stat l s c u             query status of TN to confirm enabled

Having confirmed the TN is enabled, IDU it (identify unit):

LD 32
.idu l s c u              print set id, similar to a ping command on a PC

Note: older 'small systems' (eg, Option 11) require only <card> and <unit> for TN.

If you receive an output similar to below, the PBX can identify the set on this TN:

ARIES TN: l s c u         Aries:2006,2008,2216,2616 Orion:3110,3310,3820 Taurus:39**
COLOR CODE: xx            03-black, 35-beige, 66-platinum, 70-charcoal grey, 93-dolphin grey 
SER NUM xxxxxx

However, an NPR503 message indicates the PBX cannot identify a set on this TN.
Pending investigation, this TN is a candidate for removal!

4OUT any NPR503 units in LD 11 to release the TN (port) and station license, and REMOVE THE STATION JUMPERS.

Removing the station jumpers means physically removing the cross connect wires connecting the bix block pair corresponding to the digital/analog card to the station bix block pair connecting to the house wiring (actual phone). For example: BIX MDF Frame Layout.

Note: there is no IDU function for analogue (500) sets, these must be manually traced.

5 List Unused Voice Units: LUVU

After OUTing a TN, there will no longer be dial tone on that port: it becomes a spare (for re-use).
Spare units are listed with LUVU, at the TN prompt, specify a range or hit return to list all available.

REQ: luvu
TYPE: 2616                                 2000 = digital / 500 = analog
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 01  8D VCE         TN: loop, shelf, card, unit
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 02  8D VCE
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 03  8D VCE
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 04  8D VCE
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 05  8D VCE

Spare units can be used to add a new telephone, although having spare ports does not necessarily mean you're licensed to use them!

To check the PBX licensing, go to LD 22 and enter SLT to print "system limits" data. This displays how many of each phone type are licensed, available, in use. As unused TN's are OUTed (per these instructions), the change will be reflected in the system limits data.

REQ  slt

ANALOGUE TELEPHONES      434    LEFT   136    USED   298
DIGITAL TELEPHONES       420    LEFT    38    USED   382      420 licensed, 382 in use
DECT USERS                 0    LEFT     0    USED     0
IP USERS                 176    LEFT     7    USED   169