Mike's PBX Cookbook

Copying a set

The following describes the procedure for creating a new set by copying all the attributes from another, known good one. This is useful for ensuring that class of service (CLS), voice mail access, and network access rectrictions (NCOS) are correctly programmed in the new set. Remember:

The Terminal Number (TN) defines the hardware location of the telephone:

The following cannot be copied:


The following overlays (loads) are required:

From Release 19, overlay programs 10, 11, 20 (Print Routine 1) are linked, thus eliminating the need to exit one overlay and enter another. Therefore, the following commands may all be issued in any of these overlay programs.

Find a spare DN...

List Unused Directory Numbers - LUDN
At the DN prompt, specify a range or hit return to list all available.

DN                           xxxx - xxxx / or <enter> for all

3448    3449    3452    3453    3454    3455    3456    3457    3458    3459
3460    3461    3462    3463    3464    3467    3469    3470    3472    3473
3474    3476    3478    348     3490    3491    3492    3493    3495    3496
3497    3498    3499    3500    3502    3503    3505    3506    3507    3508

Find a spare TN...

List Unused Voice Units - LUVU
At the TN prompt, specify a range or hit return to list all available.

TYPE: 2616                   2000 = digital / 500 = analog
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 01  8D VCE
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 02  8D VCE
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 03  8D VCE
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 04  8D VCE
TYPE 2616 TN   008 0 13 05  8D VCE

Copy a set to new TN, with new DN...

CPY 1: Copy 1 set - CFTN: copy from TN - TN: to new TN - DN: with new DN

REQ: CPY 1                   copy to 1 new instance
TYPE: 2008                   type may not change
CFTN 12 0 14 11              copy from TN
DES  C1B015

TN   08 0 13 01              to new TN
DN   3456                    with this new DN

NEW 2008    TN12 0 14 12     DN  3456

*** FINISHED ***

SCH5525 indicates that the new TN's are MARP's for the new prime DN's. It is an info, not an error.

Copy station to a new TN

The new set is an exact copy of the CFTN, except for its primary DN, so it may be necessary to edit some of the programming afterwards. This can be done with Easy change. Check the DES (description), feature KEYs, and message waiting key DN (MWK).

Multiple Copies:

Above we used CPY 1 to make one copy. We can also create more copies, eg, 3 with CPY 3, which is useful when adding a number of new sets. When doing muliple copies, a new prompt appears:

SFMT aaaa - Select format, where aaaa can be: AUTO, TNDN, TN, or DN.

These responses are described below:

AUTO- Automatically provides new TN's and DN's. Note the TTY output using this command.
TNDN- Manual selection of TN's and DN's. Both TN and DN are prompted for each copy.
TN- New DN's are automatically provided, TN is prompted for each copy.
DN- New TN's are automatically provided, DN is prompted for each copy.

Easy change:

'Easy change' is a way to target specific service changes, without having to enter through the whole data block.

REQ:CHGChange request
TYPE:aaaaTelephone type, where: aaaa = 2016, 2616, etc.
TNl s c uTerminal Number (loop shelf card unit -or- card unit)
ECHGYESEasy Change? But of course!
ITEMaaaa yyyItem (aaaa = Program mnemonic ; yyy = its new value)

After changing the desired ITEMs, <enter> until you return to the REQ prompt.
You cannot easy change an ACD set, these must be OUTed and rebuilt.