Mike's PBX Cookbook

SD Card Folders

There are three types of System SD card available, which defines the default operating mode:

The Serial Number is printed on the Feature Key Dongle image (SD card) and prefixed with SN (IP500) or FK (IP500 V2).
It is also shown in the IP Office Manager System configuration tab, under Dongle Serial Number.

The System SD card contains the following folders:

  •  folder system
  •  ├─ folder primary
  •  ├─ folder backup
  •  ├─ folder lvmail
  •  ├─ folder doc
  •  ├─ folder dynamic
  •  └─ folder temp

  •   Feature Key
primary:Contains configuration, system, and boot files.
Firmware files, music on hold, and license key files.
backup:A copy of the Primary folder - at some point.
lvmail:System prompts for embedded voicemail.
The sub-folder /AAG contains the auto-attendant greetings.
docs:PDF documentation for this system release.
dynamic:Contains working files, which are retained through a reboot.
temp:Contains working files, which are NOT retained through a reboot.
NEVER re-format the System SD card with a PC.

The System SD card is also the Feature Key Dongle, and is required to make the system work. NEVER re-format the System SD card with a PC, as doing so will erase the Feature Key serial number. Only the Admin program can reformat it without killing it. The Volume Name indicates the variant of IP Office, but does not define it. The Feature Key does. Different files exist in /primary for each variant.

The Optional SD card can contain a similar set of folders, used as an additional backup, or for upgrading the System SD card. Use SDHC 4GB minimum Class2+ Single partition FAT32 format card(s). You are safe to format this card where you like!

SD cards must always be shutdown before being removed from a running system. This will disable Embedded Voicemail. If the System SD card is removed, features licensed by the card's Feature Key serial number will continue operating for up to 2 hours.

IP Office 500v2 SD card slots: IP Office 500v2 SD card slots

IPO IP500 V2 SAP Codes: