Mike's PBX Cookbook

Add new DN to Telstrat

The following applies to adding IP stations only. TDM sets are built on a TALC port.

Add a new DN to Telstrat system for monitoring:

1 The Engage Recorder is at: http://<server-ip>/engage
Log on; default User ID: default / Password: Engage6900 (using the Chrome browser): Logon

2 Click on: Recorder Admin ➤ New Port: New Port

3 Select CS 1000 - Large System Large

4 Input Loop, Shelf, Card and Channel
eg, the TN information of phone being recorded (example: TN 208-0-0-1): TN

5 Click OK, you should see screen below - Click OK again: Add port

6 Now you should see the newly added TN in the port list: Port list

7 Now click on the VoIP tab and New New Voip

8 Enter the new DN being recorded (example here: 4002) Port mapping

9 When completed you should see something like screen below:
(on the Physical Telstrat Server, via Remote Desktop) Voip mode

Notice it says Invalid for the newly added DN.

10 Ensure that the VoIP Phone that you are monitoring has:

AST 00         00 being the Key that is being recorded

You can check/add this via Command Line (Putty), Element Manager, or Phone Master.

Check Telstrat Server status:

Check that 'Master Recording Server Connected: YES' and 'Nortel CTI Server: YES' in order for recording to work. Status

To check call status, look at the status screen below: Status Info

If phone was added correctly via the steps above you would see it also in the list below: Voip Config

If the Telstrat programming and phone CLS are correct, the status will show "Success".
Make a test call to confirm the phone is recognised and that recording works.