Mike's PBX Cookbook

SX-200 Feature Access Codes

Feature Code Generic 1001 Generic 1002
Generic 1003
Generic 1004
LW15, LW16

Account Code Access 01 01 01
Auto-Answer Activation 02 02 02
Call Forwarding - All Calls --- --- 03
Call Forwarding - Internal Only --- --- 04
Call Forwarding - External Only --- --- 05
Call Forwarding - I'm Here 07 07 06
Call Forwarding - Cancel I'm Here --- --- 07
Call Forwarding - Busy 03 03 ---
Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer 04 04 ---
Call Forwarding - Busy / Don’t Answer 05 05 ---
Call Forwarding - Follow Me 06 06 ---
Dial Call Pickup 08 08 08
Directed Call Pickup 09 09 09
Do Not Disturb 10 10 10
Extension General Attendant Access 11 11 11
Paging Access To Default Zone(s) 12 12 12
Paging Access To Specific Zones 13 13 13
TAFAS - Any 14 14 14
TAFAS - Local Tenant 15 15 15
Hold Pickup Access (Attendant Hold Slots) 16 16 16
Console Lockout Access Code 17 17 17
Maintenance Functions (Test Line) 18 18 18
Direct Inward System Access 19 19 19
Callback Busy <> 20 20 20
Call Hold 21 21 21
Call Hold Retrieve (Local) 22 22 22
Call Hold Retrieve (Remote) 23 23 23
Abbreviated Dial Access 24 24 24
Clear All Features 25 25 25
SUPERSET 4® Telephone Loopback Test 26 26 26
Tone Demonstration 27 27 27
ADL Call Setup --- 28 28**
ADL Disconnect --- 29 29**
RESERVED --- 30 30
Executive Busy Override <> 30 31 31
Automatic Wakeup 31 32 32
Call Park 32 33 33
Node ID 33 34 34
Maid In Room 34 35 35
SUPERSET 4 Tel. Room Status Display 35 36 36
Direct To ARS 36 37 37
UCD Agent Login / Logout --- 38 * 38
Analogue Network Accept Caller’s Extension --- 39 * 39
SUPERSET 4 Tel. Maid In Room Status --- 40 * 40
Send Message --- 41 41
Call Message Sender of Oldest Message --- 42 42
Callback - No Answer --- 43 43
ACD Login / Logout --- 44 *** 44 ***
ACD Silent Monitoring --- 45 *** 45 ***
Flash Over Trunk --- --- 46
Program Feature Key --- --- 47
Key System - Direct Paging Access --- --- 48
Key System - Group Page Meet-Me-Answer --- --- 49
Key System - Direct CO Line Select --- --- 50
Key System - Store Personal Speed Call --- --- 51
Key System - Retrieve Personal Speed Call --- --- 52
Double Flash Over Trunk --- --- 53

LW15 = LIGHTWARE 15 software
LW16 = LIGHTWARE 16 software
*    Not available in Generic 1002.
**    Not available in LIGHTWARE 15 Basic, LIGHTWARE 16 Basic or LIGHTWARE 15+1.
***    Not available in Non-ACD Generic Loads.