Switch settings when replacing floppy drives
Notice of switch settings when replacing floppy drives on SX-200 Light PABX's.
This Technical Service Bulletin is Intended for Customer Service and Installation personnel involved in the installation & maintenance of the Mitel SX-200 DIGITAL and SX-200 LIGHT and ISDN Nodes.
There are switch settings on the floppy disk drives that need to be set properly when replacing floppy disk drives.
On the bottom of the Panasonic floppy disk drives, there are a number of switches.
Their locations vary from model to model. This document will describe the correct settings
for replacement drives, or to allow the installer to check settings on a new install that
appears to have disk drive problems.
On a SX-200 Light, the switch settings should be as follows:
Drive A AT DC MO D0
Drive B AT DC MO D1
On the SX-200 Digital where the disk drives are mounted on a floppy disk mounting
card, both floppy drives should be set for : AT DC MO D0
On the ISDN node, the floppy drive should be strapped as follows: AT DC MO D1