Mike's PBX Cookbook

SX-2000 Light New System Installation Procedure


This Technical Service Bulletin is intended for Customer Service and Installation personnel involved in the installation & maintenance of the Mitel SX-2000 Light PABX.


This is a quick reference document to provide a summary of power-up and option enabling instructions for new installations of the Mitel SX-2000 Light PABX. This is in supplement to the SX-2000 Technical Documentation on the CD shipped with new systems (P/N 9125-030-100-NA Issue 1 - February 2000).

Mitel loads the software for the SX-2000 in manufacturing. As part of the installation, the technician will install the System ID (SYSID) and enable the software options at the customer site. The SX-2000 is shipped in two boxes: one box containing the physical Control Node, the other box will include the S/W medium, SYSID, SX2000 Feature Options Record sheet and Technical Documentation package.


Follow the SX-2000 Technical Documentation on the CD for the "Install System" instructions. Complete all of the required steps up to the "Enable the optional feature packages" step. Refer to the appropriate procedures in Enabling Options and MFRD's (non-redundant) or Enabling Options and MFRD's (redundant) as outlined below. Once you've enabled the optional feature packages, complete the installation steps as outlined in the technical documentation.

2.1 Enabling Options and MFRD's (Micro Light and 9" or 18" Non-Redundant Cabinet Configuration)

  1. Log onto the system and select customer data entry mode.
  2. Select System Forms from the Forms Group Menu.
  3. Select Dimension and Feature Select form from the System Forms menu. Press the <edit form> softkey.
  4. Set all options to match those on the "SX2000 Feature Options Record" sheet (X = YES).
  5. Verify that the machine configuration is FD1 and that the maximum number of cabinets is 5.

Note: For the 18" Non-Redundant (i.e. Non-Redundant Configuration in a Redundant Control Node):

Verify that the machine configuration is FD2 and that the maximum number of cabinets is 12.

  1. Press the <generate> softkey followed by the <bottom> softkey.
  2. Enter the MITEL options password (from the "SX2000 Feature Options Record" sheet received with the software); press the <commit> softkey; then press the <confirm> softkey.
    This message appears:

    Changes committed. ** Reload the system to make new values effective. **
  3. Hold down PANEL ENABLE and press the plane A RESET button to enable the options.
  4. Log onto the system and select maintenance mode.
  5. Enter: DATE yy-mmm-dd hh:mm:ss
    For example: DATE 99-sep-28 14:43:45
  6. Enter: "DBMS SAVE"
    This message appears:

    DBMS info: Request has been queued.
    DBMS info: Starting DBMS SAVE.
    DBMS SAVE info: 10% complete.
    DBMS SAVE info: 20% complete..........
    DBMS SAVE info: 90% complete.
    DBMS info: Save Completed
  7. Enter DBMS CH ON to turn automatic database checking on.
  8. Program your login usernames and passwords.
  9. Check the non-redundant system
  10. If your system has the Flexible Dimensioning feature option, program your dimension changes.
    Refer to Flexible Dimensioning for instructions.
  11. Complete the installation steps as outlined in the technical documentation.

2.2 Enabling Options and MFRD's (Main Control Redundant Cabinet Configuration)

  1. Hold down PANEL ENABLE and press ACTIVITY FREEZE ON.
  2. Log onto the active plane and select customer data entry mode.
  3. Select System Forms from the Forms Group Menu.
  4. Select Dimension and Feature Select form from the System Forms menu. Press the <edit form> softkey.
  5. Verify that the options match those on the "SX2000 Feature Options Record" sheet (X = YES).
  6. Verify that the machine configuration is FD2 and that the maximum number of cabinets is set to 12.
  7. Press the <generate> softkey; then, press the <bottom> softkey.
  8. Enter the MITEL options password; press the <commit> softkey; then, press the <confirm> softkey.
    This message appears:

    Changes committed. ** Reload the system to make new values effective. **
  9. Hold down PANEL ENABLE and press the active plane's RESET button.
  10. Log onto the inactive plane and select customer data entry mode.
  11. Repeat steps 3 to 8.
  12. Hold down PANEL ENABLE and press the inactive plane's RESET button.
  13. Log onto the active plane and select maintenance mode.
  14. Enter: DATE yy-mmm-dd hh:mm:ss
    For example: DATE 99-sep-28 14:43:45
  15. Enter: DBMS SAVE
    This message appears:

    DBMS info: Request has been queued.
    DBMS info: Starting DBMS SAVE.
    DBMS SAVE info: 10% complete.
    DBMS SAVE info: 20% complete.........
    DBMS SAVE info: 90% complete.
    DBMS info: Save Completed
  16. Enter: file enable redun
    This will enable redundancy and will automatically restart the inactive plane.
  17. Check the redundant system.
  18. Enter DBMS CH ON (on both planes) to turn automatic database checking on.
  19. Program you login usernames and passwords (on the active plane).
  20. If your system has the Flexible Dimensioning feature option, program your dimension changes.
    Refer to Flexible Dimensioning for instructions.
  21. Complete the installation steps as outlined in the technical documentation.