Option 11 TTY ports

There are two ways to console into an Option 11:
- If networked, Rlogin to the SSC IP address on a Pseudo TTY.
- With a serial TTY connection, to one of the 3 SSC serial ports.
Serial connection requires an NTBK48AA 3 port serial "Octopus Cable".
Each of the three 25-D connectors is labelled with a TTY port number.
Serial Ports
Print ADAN in LD 22, and look at the output. Note the TTY, TTY_TYPE, CAB, CARD, and PORTs.
- TTY 0 is built by default, its baud rate is set by the SSC front panel DIP switch (8 none 1)
- Additional TTY's can be configured in LD 17:
(ADAN data is changed) - The main cabinet SSC has 3 ports, each expansion cabinet fibre receiver card has one useable serial port
Note: You cannot configure more than 16 TTY's (TTY 0 thru 15), including an (optional) History File (HST). If a HST file is one of 16 TTY files configured and a new TTY is defined, the HST file is deleted because the TTY has higher priority than HST.
An Option 11 ADAN printout may look something like below, in this example the third port is set for Call Detail Records (CDR), but it could equally be used as a TTY if the USER is changed to MTC SCH BUG instead of CTY.
ADAN TTY 0 TTY_TYPE SDI Hardware type: Serial Data Interface (SDI) CAB 00 Small System Cabinet number: (0), 1, 2, 3 or 4 CARD 00 PORT 0 TTY 0: rate is set by the BPS dip switches DES LOCAL FLOW NO USER MTC SCH BUG Output message type: Maintenance, Service Change, Software errors TTYLOG 0 BANR YES ADAN TTY 1 TTY_TYPE SDI CAB 00 CARD 00 PORT 1 Port number DES REMOTE Designator/ID BPS 9600 Bits per second BITL 8 Bit Length: (5), 6, 7, or 8 STOP 1 Stop bits (for 1.5, enter 1x5) PARY NONE Parity: (NONE) ODD, or EVEN FLOW NO Flow Control: (NO) YES USER MTC SCH BUG Output message types TTYLOG 0 Log buffer size: 0-65534 BANR YES Security Banner: (YES) NO ADAN TTY 2 TTY_TYPE SDI CAB 00 CARD 00 PORT 2 Port number DES CDR BPS 1200 BITL 8 STOP 1 PARY NONE FLOW NO USER CTY Output message type: CDR TTY port to output CDR records
ADAN prompts and responses are detailed in Software Input Output Reference - Administration, under LD 17.
Output message types (USER):
- ACD - Automatic Call Distribution printer for reports
- BUG - Software error
- CTY - CDR TTY port to output CDR records
- MCT - Malicious Call Trace TTY port along with other users
- MTC - Maintenance includes AUD, BUG and ERR (if enabled by ERRM in PARM)
- SCH - Service Change or any data base change
- TRF - Traffic reports
A maintenance terminal typically has: MTC SCH BUG
With serial data cables, generaly only pins 2, 3 and 5 (or 7 if 25 pin) are required. A null modem may be used to swap pins 2 and 3, transmit and receive data, though a TTY to PC (DTE) connection should not require a null modem. When the cable is correct, hitting return will yield a logon prompt showing the TTY port you're connected to and which message types are enabled.
TTY 00 SCH MTC 0:38 OVL111 IDLE 0 >
A communications setting of 9600, 8 n 1, no handshaking is usually standard for console TTY's, otherwise, look at the BPS, BITL, STOP, PARY, and FLOW settings, and set the terminal program port settings to match. A disabled TTY will not respond.
Enable, disable, and check the status of TTY ports in LD 37.
(PTY's enable automatically when active, eg, someone connects.)
ld 37 IOD000 .stat TTY 0 : ENBL DES: LOCAL TTY 1 : DSBL DES: REMOTE TTY 2 : ENBL DES: CDR .enl tty 1 OK
You cannot disable the TTY you're currently connected with.
Port 0 is special: it's required for installing/upgrading software. It's the only port that's enabled at boot time, allowing you to either watch the boot process, or break out of it.
If you suspect a hardware error, you can test a TTY port in LD 37:
.tty 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789"#$ %*!&()<>=:,.? READY FOR INPUT qwerty end type 'end' to exit and return a prompt .
Entered characters are echoed until end
is received.
PTY's are not compatible with this test.
Multi-User Login
Multi-User Login enables up to five users to log in, load, and execute overlay programs simultaneously, but NOT concurrently in the same load - this is to prevent database corruption.
- Check that MULTI_USER is ON by printing OVLY (overlay) in LD 22, the default is OFF.
It is enabled in LD 17 - REQ: CHG, TYPE: OVLY. Enter down to MULTI_USER and type ON.
When Multi-User Login is ON, if you try to enter a load, but see: OVL429-OVERLAY CONFLICT
your choice is either to try later, or force a log off for the user blocking your access.
At the > prompt, type WHO
to find out who is logged on, and which load they're in.
(precede with an exclamation mark (!WHO
) to issue from within an overlay).
>who PORT ID OVERLAY NAME SPRT MONITOR TTY 00 0 ADMIN2 TTY 01 135 ADMIN1 this user is in LD 135
to force a log off for TTY XX. You must be logged in with a level 2 password (ADMIN2) for this to work.
If you're feeling very conscientious, you can precede this with a SEND XX
message informing the TTY XX user of his/her impending fate.
At the " SEND MSG: " prompt, enter your message (up to 80 characters). SEND ALL
sends the message to all logged-in TTY's.
message, either try again logged in as ADMIN2, or just disable and re-enable the offending TTY port:
To enable the backspace/delete key, at the > prompt, type LON
to turn on "Line Mode". LOF
turns it off again (default).