Mike's PBX Cookbook

RLOGIN to a CS1K (Win)

This procedure describes how to configure PuTTY (the well known Windows SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client) to connect to a CS1000 using rlogin. It only applies to pre-Release 5.5 systems.

In most cases you will want to disable the Windows Firewall, and/or "Allow ICMP echo requests" (Windows XP: Network → Local Area Connection → Advanced Settings), in order to stop the connection randomly dropping.

download.gifDownload the latest version of PuTTY

Warning From Rel 5.5, use SSH (not rlogin). Enter the Call Server IP address for 'host name', and hit connect. The following rlogin procedure applies to pre 5.5 systems.
1Copy PuTTY to a PC connected to the ELAN.
Double click it, and the configuration window opens:
- Enter the Call Server IP address in the Host Name box.
- Select the Protocol as Rlogin, Port is 513.
- Enter a name in Saved Sessions
- Click Save to store the session

NOTE: Click on the images for a larger view!

PuTTY Configuration
2Click on the Data * item in the left menu tree:
- Set the Auto-login username to CPSID
- Change the Terminal-type String to vt220

* was 'Connection' in older PuTTY versions.

3Click on the Rlogin item in the left tree menu:
- Set the Local username to CPSID

4Click the Session item again in the left tree menu:

- Click Save again to store the changes.
5Click on Open to open the connection and an Rlogin session.
Hit enter a couple of times, and login with the LOGI command.

NOTE: Make sure there are 3 PTY's (pseudo-tty's) built.
If not, add them in case one locks up.

PuTTY Terminal

CPSID arguments:

You can change the CPSID option as follows:

Values can be combined:

eg: CPSID1110 will enable MTC, SCH and BUG messages for the session.

From the UNIX command line, use the -l option with CPSIDXXXX as the username.

eg: rlogin -l CPSID1110 <ip> will login and enable MTC, SCH and BUG messages.