RLOGIN to a CS1K (Win)
This procedure describes how to configure PuTTY (the well known Windows SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client) to connect to a CS1000 using rlogin. It only applies to pre-Release 5.5 systems.
In most cases you will want to disable the Windows Firewall, and/or "Allow ICMP echo requests" (Windows XP: Network → Local Area Connection → Advanced Settings), in order to stop the connection randomly dropping.
Download the latest version of PuTTY

Double click it, and the configuration window opens:
- Enter the Call Server IP address in the Host Name box.
- Select the Protocol as Rlogin, Port is 513.
- Enter a name in Saved Sessions
- Click Save to store the session
NOTE: Click on the images for a larger view!
- Set the Auto-login username to CPSID
- Change the Terminal-type String to vt220* was 'Connection' in older PuTTY versions.
- Set the Local username to CPSID
4Click the Session item again in the left tree menu:
- Click Save again to store the changes.
Hit enter a couple of times, and login with the LOGI command.
NOTE: Make sure there are 3 PTY's (pseudo-tty's) built.
If not, add them in case one locks up.
CPSID arguments:
You can change the CPSID option as follows:
- CPSID1000 enables MTC messages
- CPSID0100 enables SCH messages
- CPSID0010 enables BUG messages
- CPSID0001 enables TRF messages
Values can be combined:
eg: CPSID1110 will enable MTC, SCH and BUG messages for the session.
From the UNIX command line, use the -l option with CPSIDXXXX as the username.
eg: rlogin -l CPSID1110 <ip>
will login and enable MTC, SCH and BUG messages.