Mike's PBX Cookbook

Moving a Set

To move a telephone from one TN to another, use MOV in one of the following loads:

Use LD 10/11/20: MOV to move individual sets. Use LD 25: MOV to move cards, shelves, or loops.

DO NOT move ACD's, as data corruption can occur. Always PRT, OUT, then NEW on the new TN.

Prompts and responses:

REQ MOV- Request: MOV or MOV PAIR (PRT to print)
TYPE xxxx- Type must match telephone hardware
TN l s c u- From Terminal Number
TOTN l s c u - To new TN Number

If moving a voice unit with an associated data unit, the data unit must also be moved. On NT8D02 Digital Line Cards, both voice and data TNs can be moved with MOV PAIR at the REQ prompt.

The Terminal Number (TN) defines the hardware location (physical port) of the telephone:

Example Move:

> ld 20

REQ: mov
TYPE: 2616
TN: 12 0 0 1                                  the old 'from' TN
TOTN: 12 0 0 10                               the new 'to' TN 

SCH5524 DN  5000 NEW MARP   012 0 0 10        a NEW MARP indicates a successful move

Note: Telephones with mixed DNs can only be moved in the same loop, unless MLDN = YES in LD 17 (PARM).
MLDN (Multiple Loop DN) allows multiple appearance DNs to be on different loops.

Station Swaps:

There is no 'swap' command for stations. Therefore, to swap two sets - eg, for an office move, one must first be 'moved' to a temporary TN. The following image shows a typical two station swap sequence, using MOV and a spare (temporary) TN:

Swapping stations using a temporary TN

Note: This does not apply to IP sets, which are programmed with a virtual TN.

Example Swap:

Thelma and Louise are swapping offices!

We also need a spare (temporary) TN that is not programmed, in this example: 12 0 0 10
A spare TN can be found with LUVU (List Unused Voice Units) at the REQ prompt.

1 In LD 20, first move Louise to the temporary TN:

REQ: mov
TYPE: 2616
TN: 12 0 0 1
TOTN: 12 0 0 10       Louise is moved to the temporary TN. 

then Enter through... Louise is in limbo right now (on the spare TN)... continue to move Thelma.

2 Next, move Thelma to the vacant TN:

REQ: mov
TYPE: 2008
TN: 12 0 0 0
TOTN: 12 0 0 1        Thelma is moved to Louises' original TN.

then Enter Through... now Thelma is moved to where Louise was...

3 Finally, move Louise back to the first TN:

REQ: mov
TYPE: 2616
TN: 12 0 0 10
TOTN: 12 0 0 0        Louise is moved to Thelmas' original TN (from the temporary TN).

then Enter through... Louise is now where Thelma was!

Thelma and Louise

Thelma and Louise are swapped without having to change any wiring!
Switch their phones, and the move is complete.