Group Hunting
One of two hunting types may be specified to determine the order in which the extensions in the group will be searched to find an idle extension. These are:
- Linear Hunting (LIN)
- hunting starts from the first DN in the list to the last, until an idle extension is found - Round Robin (RRB)
- hunting starts at the first free extension after the last extension used, distributing calls evenly among members
Any member can opt out of the group to prevent being accessed via the pilot DN.
Users enter a Flexible Feature Code for Group Hunt Termination Deactivation - GHTD (e.g. #59).
Digital set users may have a dedicated key to opt out.
Feature Implementation
This feature is implemented in two stages:
- The first stage uses LD 18 to define the extensions in the group.
- each extension is placed in "STOR" of what is termed the "Group Hunt List"
- the list is identified by a unique list number. There is a separate list for each hunt group - The second stage uses LD 57 to define the Pilot DN and associate it with the "Group Hunt List".
Two examples are shown below.
- Example 1: change extensions in an existing group.
- Example 2: how to create a new group.
Example 1 - Changing the extensions in an existing Hunt Group
In this example an extension (DN 2555) is added to the group identified by Pilot DN 2111.
The procedure consists of three parts:-
- Using LD 57 to obtain the list number for Pilot DN (2111)
- Using LD 20 to print the extensions in the list.
- Using LD 18 to change the list
1. First find the list number.
> LD 57 REQ PRT TYPE FFC Enter FFC at this prompt CUST 0 CODE PLDN Request printout of Pilot Directory Numbers - all Pilot DNs for customer are printed CUST 0 FFCT YES PLDN 2000 Pilot Number... USE GPHT LSNO 050 Associated DN member list HTYP RRB CFWI NO MQUE 0 PLDN 2010 Pilot Number... USE GPHT LSNO 051 Associated DN member list HTYP RRB CFWI NO MQUE 0
PLDN 2111 Pilot DN is 2111.
USE GPHT Used for Group Hunting.
LSNO 063 List number 63.
HTYP RRB Round Robin type hunting.
CFWI NO NO indicates that any extension in the group that activates Call Forwarding will be excluded from the hunt group (YES would indicate that any extension in the group that activates Call Forwarding will still be included in the hunt group.)
MQUE ALL Calls may be queued when all extensions in the group are busy.
ALL | every incoming call will be queued and will hear ring tone when all extensions in the group are busy |
ACTM | the number of calls allow to queue will be equal the number of Active members |
1 | only the first call will be queued |
0 | no calls will be queued |
**** Exit Program 57.
2. Now print the extensions in list 63.
>LD 20 | |
LSNO 63 | Specify the list number |
SIZE | This is a system response indicating the maximum number of extension permitted in this list |
RNGE | You can limit the number of group members (extensions) printed by specifying a range to print. <enter> to print all stores |
The system responds with the listing.
GHLN 0063 | List number |
GHT | List type |
PLDN 2111 | Pilot DN |
DNSZ 4 | Indicates that the DNs stored have a maximum of 4 Digits |
STOR 0 2202 | DN 2202 is held in store 0 |
STOR 1 2303 | |
STOR 2 2404 | |
STOR 3 2505 | |
STOR 4 | Store 4 is empty |
STOR 5 | |
REQ end |
3. In this third stage we add DN 2555 to list 63.
>LD 18 | |
TYPE GHT | Identify the type of list |
LSNO 63 | Identify the list number |
SIZE | |
WRT | |
STOR 4 2555 | Add DN 2555 to the spare store number 4 |
WRT | |
STOR | |
REQ end |
Note: To delete an entry from a store, select the store as if you were changing its contents (above) and press the space bar twice then carriage return until the REQ prompt appears and then exit the program.
Example 2 - Create a new Hunt Group
1Use LD 18 to make a list of hunt group member DN's:
REQ new TYPE ght LSNO x DNSZ 4 DN digit length SIZE 10 Max number of DN's in list STOR 0 xxxx 1st DN WRT Press enter to store entry STOR 1 xxxx 2nd DN WRT Press enter to store entry STOR 2 xxxx 3rd DN WRT : ... and so on until list is complete
2Use LD 57 to assign the list a pilot number, and choose a hunt type:
REQ chg TYPE ffc CUST 0 FFCT CODE pldn PLDN xxxx Enter the Pilot DN here USE gpht Group Hunt LSNO xx Pilot DN is assigned to this list number HTYP rrb RRB for round robin hunting, LIN for linear hunting CFWI no MQUE all number of calls allowed to queue: ALL / ACTM (active members) PLDN create another Pilot, or C/R to finish : REQ end
Note: A SPRE code must have been defined (usually the case). SPRE is in FTR_DATA, use LD 21 to print, LD 15 to set/change.
End of procedure.