Mike's PBX Cookbook

4550T Firmware Recovery

Avaya 4550Ts

Occasionally, firmware can corrupt, preventing the switch from booting.

To recover a dead or re-booting switch, try the following:

Two firmware files are required:

Connect a Serial cable to the front panel Console port, set a PuTTY (or Serial for OSX) to: 9600-8N1

The "Diagnostic" image


When complete, the switch will reboot.

The "Agent code" image

Having loaded the Diagnostic image, we now have to load the Agent Code. This step requires a TFTP server (eg: SolarWinds or PumpKIN) hosting the .img file (beyond the scope of this article). Connect the TFTP server to a switch port, eg: port 1.

>> Break Recognized - Wait...

  Press 'a'   to run Agent code
  Press 'd'   to download Agent code                         ⇐ press 'd'
  Press 'e'   to display errors
  Press 'c'   to clear log message
  Press 'i'   to initialize config flash
  Press 'p'   to run POST tests...
Enter Port Number                [ <auto> ]:1                ⇐ switch port with TFTP server
Enter Speed: 10, 100, 1000       [ <auto> ]:
Enter Local IP Address    []:      ⇐ switch IP address
Enter Server IP Address   []:      ⇐ TFTP server IP address
Enter Subnet Mask         []:
Enter Default Gateway     [           None]:
Enter Filename                             :4000_573031s.img ⇐ image filename .img

If the TFTP server responds, you will see a download progress bar while the file is retrieved.
When complete, the file is automatically flashed and decompressed.

  Sys IP address :
  Subnet Mask    :
  Default Gateway:  None
  TFTP Server IP :
  TFTP Port Num  :  1
  Runtime File   :  4000_573031s.img
  Download AGENT image ....................    9953984 bytes (OK)          
  Delete Old Image ........................................ 100 %
  Program AGENT Image ..................................... 100 %
Starting Agent Code...

Decompressing the image   [\]

The switch will reboot to the Avaya splash screen. Press Ctrl-Y to start.
FW (diagnostic) and SW (agent code) indicate the installed software versions. Avaya ERS Splash screen

You can also Ctrl-Y, en, show sys-info for a more detailed display.