Shutting down the NAM

The NAM (Norstar Applications Module) is a standard PC and uses the OS2/Warp operating system, which is similar to Windows. When it is necessary to power off the NAM, DO NOT just pull the power cord. You must perform a graceful shutdown procedure as follows:
1. Press Feature 915
If F915 does not give a Password prompt, try feature codes
from F910 to F949 until you do get a Password promptContinue with the following prompts and responses:
2. Password
- enter 2223772# (ACCESS2)3. ACCESS Server
- press NEXT4. System shutdown
- press SHOW5. Shutdown type
- press GRACE6. Shutdown graceful
- press YES
Wait about 30 seconds until you hear a series of tones with descending pitch... it's now safe to remove the NAM's power cord.