Meridian Mail ADAN Programming
Meridian Mail uses two (ADAN) data ports on the Meridian 1 switch:
Applications Module Link (AML), also known as the Command and Status Link (CSL), communicates commands and status information between Meridian Mail and the Meridian 1. It is programmed in LD 17, printed in LD 22, and administered in LD 48.
REQ prt TYPE adan aml ADAN AML 9 port 9, used for the Application Module Link (AML) CARD 10 PORT 1 DES BPS 4800 CLOK EXT IADR 003 RADR 001 T1 10 T2 002 T3 040 N1 128 N2 08 K 7 RXMT 05 CRC 10 ORUR 005 ABOR 005 ENL YES REQ
Low Speed Link (LSL) is used for the administration TTY, it's built on TTY 8.
To access the terminal, type AX. To return, type CTRL ].
REQ prt TYPE adan tty 8 ADAN TTY 8 port 8, used for the system administration terminal TTY_TYPE LSL CAB 00 CARD 10 PORT 0 DES MER_MAIL_ACCESS BPS 9600 BITL 8 STOP 1 PARY NONE FLOWTYPE MAIL REQ
An Option 11 (Card Option) uses port 9 for the Application Module Link (AML) and port 8 for the system administration terminal.
Checking and activating the AML:
If Meridian Mail is not responding, enter LD 48, and check the AML status:
to initiate the AML Auto Setup sequence, and establish the link.
You may have to DIS AML n
first, if enabled but not repsonding.
.enl aml 9 acms Initiate the AML Auto Setup sequence... .stat aml 9 AML: 09 ESDI: 09 LYR2: AUTO SETUP LYR7: DOWN DSBL AUTO SETUP Still down... . ESDA002 9 9:43:30 1/07/2013 Link 9 link layer connected, at time & date. CSA003 9 9:43:30 1/07/2013 Command and Status Link 9 is now active. .stat aml 9 AML: 09 ESDI: 09 LYR2: CONNECTED LYR7: ACTIVE EMPTY Meridian Mail is now active! .
Dial the Meridian Mail access number, and Joan Kenley should answer with: "Meridian Mail. Mailbox?".