Mike's PBX Cookbook

Changing a Sets Name

To enter a programming session, follow the next few simple steps:

  1. Press Feature**CONFIG (* * 2 6 6 3 4 4)

  2. Enter Password: CONFIG (2 6 6 3 4 4)

    Display will read: Terminals & Sets

  3. Using the navigation keys, as displayed below, follow the next simple steps:

  4. Press: Show

    Display will read: Show Set
    Enter the extension number that you want to change

  5. Press: Show

    Display will read: "The extension number and the current name"

  6. Press: Show

    Display will read: Line Access

  7. Press: Next

    Display will read: Capabilities

  8. Press: Next

    Display will read: Name:__

  9. Press the "CHANGE" soft key.

    Using the dial pad spell out the name...
    Eg: If you need the letter K press the 5 key twice and then press # to confirm

  10. Press: Next

    Once the name is changed, press Rls to end programming.

Congratulations! You have just successfully changed the phone name!