Mike's PBX Cookbook

Norstar Cause Codes

Find by Cause Code number:

A Call clearing Code will appear on a Norstar set when a call is placed over a PRI circuit.
Call clearing Codes are useful for diagnostic purposes, as they show exactly why an ISDN call has been released.

Call clearing Codes are also known as:

Cause codes can be enabled on by going into:

System programming ➤ Release reasons ➤ Text: Simple ➤ Cause code: Y

Select one of the following settings: Text: None (default) or Detailed
(Installer password is required).

The Q.931 Cause Values are grouped into the following classes:

Normal events:Cause 1-31
Resource unavailable:Cause 32-47
Service or option not available:Cause 48-63
Service or option not implemented:Cause 64-79
Invalid message:Cause 80-95
Protocol error: Cause 96-111
Internetworking:Cause 112-127

The most commonly seen codes are 16 (normal disconnect) and 17 (busy).
Full list of Cause codes and definitions: ISDN Cause Codes