Mike's PBX Cookbook

Reloading a Small System


License parameters

The Keycode and License parameters are printed on the Keycode Data Sheet, which is supplied with the software and security device.
If the Keycode Data Sheet is nowhere to be found, goto LD 22, and enter iss, tid, slt (and pkg). Keep the output in a safe place!

>ld 22

REQ  iss                   software issue and release


REQ  tid                   tape ID / security device number

SECURITY ID:12345678
AUX ID     :12345678tied to keycode

REQ  slt                   license parameters / system limits
TNS                  2500    LEFT  2246    USED   254
ACDN                  300    LEFT   251    USED    49
AST                  5000    LEFT  5000    USED     0
LTID                   64    LEFT    64    USED     0
DCH                    80    LEFT    77    USED     3
AML                    16    LEFT    15    USED     1
MPH DSL               100    LEFT   100    USED     0
RAN CON               100    LEFT    70    USED    30
RAN RTE               128    LEFT   125    USED     3
MUS CON               128    LEFT    64    USED    64
ACD AGENTS            100    LEFT    99    USED     1
ANALOGUE TELEPHONES   356    LEFT   314    USED    42
ATTENDANT CONSOLES   2500    LEFT  2499    USED     1
BRI DSL                64    LEFT    64    USED     0
CLASS TELEPHONES     2500    LEFT  2500    USED     0
DATA PORTS           2500    LEFT  2500    USED     0
DIGITAL TELEPHONES    108    LEFT    27    USED    81
INTERNET TELEPHONES     4    LEFT     4    USED     0
PHANTOM PORTS        2500    LEFT  2500    USED     0
WIRELESS TELEPHONES     0    LEFT     0    USED     0
WIRELESS VISITORS       0    LEFT     0    USED     0
ITG ISDN TRUNKS         0    LEFT     0    USED     0
TRADITIONAL TRUNKS   2500    LEFT  2395    USED   105
TMDI D-CHANNELS        64    LEFT    64    USED     0
SURVIVABILITY           0    LEFT     0    USED     0

KEY1 01234567
KEY2 89012345
KEY3 67890123tied to security id

Customer Database Archive

  1. Insert the Software Delivery card in SSC faceplate: Slot A.
  2. Login, goto LD 143, and enter: upgrade
  3. Enter: 3 (Utilities Menu) ➤ 2 (Archive Database Utilities) ➤ 3 (Archive a customer Database)
  4. Enter a name for the archive (max 8 characters, alphanumeric), and press <enter>
  5. When the archive copy is completed, Q to Quit. Keep the copy safe!

The Customer Database should be periodically archived as part of a maintenance procedure.
Keep a recent database archive safe with the site software and Keycode Data Sheet.

Software Installation

Providing the prerequisites are met (we've got all the stuff), we can continue...
Insert the Software Delivery card in SSC faceplate: Slot A.

The Software Installation Program must run from TTY 0 (port 0 on card 0). There are two ways to invoke it:

Note: When you turn on a new system, the Software Installation Program is started automatically.

Main Cabinet Software Installation Main Menu :

1. New Install or Option 11/11E Upgrade  - From Software DaughterBoard
2. System Upgrade
3. Utilities
4. New System Installation - From Software Delivery Card

Enter Selection : 4

Select the feature set (provided with the keycode information).
Note: The feature set selected must match that provided with the keycodes.

Select Feature Set You Wish to Enable :

1. General Services (ntsk03dr)
2. Enhanced Services (ntsk03er)
3. Call Center Services (ntsk03fr)
4. Enhanced Call Center Services (ntsk03gr)
5. Network Services (ntsk03hr)
6. Enhanced Network Services (ntsk03ir)
7. Enterprise Services (ntsk03jr)
8. Unified Network Services (ntsk03kr)

Enter Selection : 6

Next you will be prompted to add packages. The Keycode Data Sheet has packages listed, or refer to the PKG printout.
Note: The additional packages must match those provided with the keycodes.

Do you wish to add packages? (y/n/[a]bort) : Y

Summary of packages selected :

    0-2 4-5 7-14 16-21 23-25 28-29 32-41 44-49 51-64 67 70-77 79-81 83 
    86-93 95 98-105 107-111 113 115 117-120 122-125 127-129 131-133 137-141 
    144-154 157 159-164 167 169-170 172-173 175 179-188 191-193 195 198 
    200 202-206 208-212 214-216 218-219 222 229 231 233-236 240 242-243 
    245-247 250-251 253-256 258-259 261 263 283-284 288-289 294-296 301 
    305-310 312-313 315-316 323-324 327-328 332-333 347-351 362 364 367 
    370 380-382 384 386-387 389 

Enter additional packages : <cr> to continue


Your feature set selection is:  "Enhanced Network Services"

Additional packages selected : 22 121 174 

Next, select the customer data archive to install:

Select Database to Install :

1. Pre-Configured database  - Enhanced Network Services
2. Basic Configuration
3. Archived database

Enter Selection : 3

Select Archived Database to Install :

1. 1062015

Enter Selection : 1

Compare the License parameters (System Limits) with the Keycode Data Sheet (or SLT print) and adjust as necessary:
Note: The License parameters selected must match those provided with the keycodes.

Do you wish to change any ISM parameters? (y/n/[a]bort) : Y

Enter new ISM parameters, <cr> to leave unchanged :

TNS                 ( 2500) - 
ACDN                (  300) - 
AST                 ( 5000) - 
LTID                (   64) - 
RAN CON             (    0) - 100        enter the correct values for this system
RAN RTE             (  128) -
MUS CON             (    0) - 128
BRAND               (    0) - 
ACD AGENTS          (    0) - 100
BRI DSL             (   64) - 
CLASS TELEPHONES    ( 2500) - 
DATA PORTS          ( 2500) - 
PHANTOM PORTS       ( 2500) - 
ITG ISDN TRUNKS     (    0) - 
TMDI D-CHANNELS     (   64) - 
SURVIVABILITY       (    0) - 

Is this correct? (y/n/[a]bort) : Y

The default AUX ID is the security ID, which must match the security device (dongle).
Enter the AUX ID option as provided with the keycodes.

Security ID : 12345678
Current AUX ID : 12345678

Do you wish to change the AUX ID? (y/n/[a]bort) : N

Next step, M3900 languages:

Select M3900 Language Set :

1. Global 10 languages           English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Finnish, Japanese
2. Western Europe 10 languages   English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese
3. Eastern Europe 10 languages   English, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Latvian, Turkish
4. North America 6 languages     English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese
5. Spare Group A 
6. Spare Group B 

Enter Selection : 4

An Installation Information Summary is displayed. Check all items, and continue.

New Installation Information Summary :

Security ID         	: 12345678
Aux ID              	: 12345678
Cabinet Type        	: MAIN
Feature Set         	: Enhanced Network Services (ntsk03ir)
Additional Pkgs     	: 22 121 174 
Database            	: Archived database - 1

                    	      OLD     NEW
S/W Release         	:   2540B   2540B

ISM Parameters      
TNS                 	:    2500    2500
ACDN                	:     300     300
AST                 	:    5000    5000
LTID                	:      64      64
RAN CON             	:     100     100
RAN RTE             	:     128     128
MUS CON             	:     128     128
BRAND               	:       0       0
ACD AGENTS          	:     100     100
ANALOGUE TELEPHONES 	:     356     356
ATTENDANT CONSOLES  	:    2500    2500
BRI DSL             	:      64      64
CLASS TELEPHONES    	:    2500    2500
DATA PORTS          	:    2500    2500
DIGITAL TELEPHONES  	:     108     108
INTERNET TELEPHONES 	:       4       4
PHANTOM PORTS       	:    2500    2500
WIRELESS TELEPHONES 	:       0       0
WIRELESS VISITORS   	:       0       0
ITG ISDN TRUNKS     	:       0       0
TRADITIONAL TRUNKS  	:    2500    2500
TMDI D-CHANNELS     	:      64      64
SURVIVABILITY       	:       0       0

M3900 Language Set  	: 4. North America 6 languages

Is this correct? (y/n/[a]bort) : Y

Enter the system keycodes when prompted. If validation is successful, the system will reboot and the installation process begin.

Enter new keycodes :

Key 1 : 01234567
Key 2 : 89012345
Key 3 : 67890123

Keycode validation successful.

*** WARNING *** A system restart will be invoked
as part of the software installation process

Are you sure you wish to perform the installation? (y/n/[a]bort) : Y


    Backing up flash ROM software modules:
        Backing up: auxres 
        Backing up: diskos 
        Backing up: sl1res 
        Backing up: ovlres 
        Backing up directory record
        Backing up files
