Mike's PBX Cookbook


PCMCIA cards (or compact flash with PCMCIA adapter) may be not larger than:

Note: Cards with capacities greater than 64 Meg are NOT supported.

An SSC has two PCMCIA slots:

To format a PCMCIA card in an SSC faceplate slot (FAT16), you'll need to drop into PDT.


PDT:  login on /sio/0
PDT in Progress. Please Wait....


pdt> cd b:
pdt> ll

Directory of 'b:':

   SIZE          DATE       TIME         NAME    
----------   -----------  --------   ------------
       512   Oct-16-2018  12:04:26   U                         <DIR>

pdt> pcmciaformat b:                                   a: if card in slot A
PCMCIA 'b:' will be formatted (y/n) ?y
Formatting PCMCIA 'b:'
Format complete
pdt> ll

Directory of 'b:':

   SIZE          DATE       TIME         NAME    
----------   -----------  --------   ------------

pdt> chkdsk
Volume in drive 'b:' has no label
63823872 bytes free on 'b:'                            it's a 64Meg card
pdt> exit
PDT in Progress. Please Wait....Done!