Mike's PBX Cookbook

Reset MGC passwords
A.K.A "Reload Default Accounts"

When replacing an MGC with one from another system, the passwords might be unknown. We will have to reset the user accounts before mgcsetup can be run. Physical access is required, as the MGC's faceplate reset button must be pressed when prompted.


  1. Connect via serial TTY (9600, 8N1)
  2. At the Username prompt type: resetCAUTH
  3. Ctrl-LDB, login as user: pdt2
  4. Enter mgcsetup

TTY output:

Username: resetCAUTH

* WARNING:  All attempts to use the Password Reset Mechanism    *
*           are logged.  In order to proceed, you will need     *
*           physical access to the Call Server.                 *

Do you want to proceed (yes/no): yes <must enter yes not just y>

You have 60 seconds to push the reset faceplate button

You have 60 seconds to press ENTER: 

### Successfully switched to local authentication.

27/04/2012 10:44:15 SEC0038 Security domain membership has been revoked. (Centralized authentication is now disabled.)
27/04/2012 10:44:15 SEC0026 Password override mechanism was used to gain access to the switch

///  -   Ctrl-LDB

LDB login on /tyCo/0
Username: pdt2
Password: *********

The software and data stored on this system are the property of,
or licensed to, Nortel Networks and are lawfully available only
to authorized users for approved purposes. Unauthorized access
to any software or data on this system is strictly prohibited and
punishable under appropriate laws. If you are not an authorized
user then logout immediately. This system may be monitored for
operational purposes at any time.

Welcome to the Media Gateway Controller command line.
Firmware Version: MGCCAO01
Management IP: 10..10.52
Primary CS IP Address:
Installed Daughterboards: 2
OS Created on: Date [Jun 2 2009] Time [17:29:48] 

ldb> mgcsetup 

## END ##

Note, you can't reset passwords via SSH, only serial (or Telnet).

LDB login on /pty/pty00.S

Username: resetPWD

* WARNING:  All attempts to use the Password Reset Mechanism    *
*           are logged.  In order to proceed, you will need     *
*           physical access to the Call Server.                 *

If you do not wish to proceed, enter the word QUIT, otherwise

enter the PWD2/Admin2 userID:  admin2

You have 60 seconds to push the reset faceplate button 

You have 60 seconds to press ENTER:

Enter   new PWD2 password:
Reenter new PWD2 password:
Enter   new PDT2 password: 
Reenter new PDT2 password:
### PWD2 password successfully changed. ###
### PDT2 password successfully changed. ###