Mike's PBX Cookbook

Reset CS1K passwords

Procedure to "Reload Default Accounts"

In both cases, physical access to the Call Server is required.

Note: DO NOT do this when the call server is in the "secure domain", only when unregistered.

Method 1:

  1. Put the CS1K installation software in the RMD, and reset the CPPM card.
  2. When prompted, press F to force board to boot from faceplate drive (RMD).
  3. The RMD Install Tool will load.
  4. Confirm you wish to continue (twice), and enter the Tools Menu by pressing t
  5. Choose option <d> - To reload default accounts.
  6. Choose option <a> - Reload the Default Accounts.
  7. Return to the main menu, m, and quit the Install Tool with q.
  8. Confirm to quit, and the CPPM card will re-boot.
  9. Login with admin2 and 0000
  10. Perform a LD 43, EDD on your backup RMD.

Method 2:

  1. Put the CS1K installation software in the RMD
  2. Type Ctrl-pdt
  3. At the username prompt, type resetCAUTH
  4. Login with admin2 and 0000
  5. Perform a LD 43, EDD on your backup RMD.

TTY output Method 1:

        Communication Server 1000 Software/Database/BOOTROM RMD Install Tool 
                               M A I N    M E N U

        The Software Installation Tool will install or upgrade 
        Communication Server 1000 Software, Database and the CP-BOOTROM.

        You will be prompted throughout the installation and given the
        opportunity to quit at any time.

        Please enter:
<CR> -> <u> - To Install Menu.
        <t> - To Tools Menu.
        <q> - Quit.

        Enter choice> t

        Communication Server 1000 Software/Database/BOOTROM RMD Install Tool 
                               T O O L S   M E N U

        This is the Tools Menu for Install. You can select the tool that
        is appropriate.  Please select one of the options below.

        Please enter:
<CR> -> <a> - To set the system date and time.
        <b> - To partition the Fixed Media Device.
        <c> - To display the partition size of Fixed Media Device.
        <d> - To reload default accounts.
        <g> - To print System S/W content on Removable Media Device.
        <h> - To print Keycode content.
        <i> - To print Security Device content.
        <j> - To Check the customer specific System S/W on the RMD.
        <k> - To manually create Keycode on Removable Media Device.
        <r> - To install Keycode only.
        <s> - To archive existing database.
        <t> - To replace CPU board BIOS.
        <v> - To display media vendor information.
        <w> - To Set the CPPM Core Location (Side/Loop/Shelf) Information.
        <m> - To return to the Main Menu.

        Enter choice> d

        Communication Server 1000 Software/Database/BOOTROM RMD Install Tool 
        You have selected to reload default accounts.

        This step deletes all existing accounts and replaces 
        them with default accounts.

        Please enter:
<CR> -> <q> - Quit now and leave accounts unchanged.
        <a> - Reload the Default Accounts.

        Enter choice> a
Deleting existing accounts ...
Creating default accounts ...
Default account created successfully.

TTY output Method 2:


PDT login on /pty/SSHpty01.S
Username: resetCAUTH

* WARNING:  All attempts to use the Authentication Type Reset   *
*           Mechanism are logged. In order to proceed, you will *
*           need physical access to the Call Server.            *

Do you want to proceed (yes/no):  yes
You have 60 seconds to put some media into the
CF2: Drive and press ENTER:  
Checking the drive, please wait...
/cf2/  - Volume is OK

### Successfully switched to local authentication.

* REMINDER:  Don't forget to remove any media in the            *
*            CF2: Drive                                         *
*            and replace the backup media if necessary.         *

### Perform EDD to synchronize new authentication type setting to all elements.