CS File Transfer Protocol
Sending Files to a Communications Server with File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
This is not a definitive guide to FTP, just a summary of a few useful commands for transferring files to and from a CS1000.
If you find yourself without a CF reader/writer, and need to copy files to a CF card, you can use FTP as this procedure shows.
Basic FTP commands:
open <ip> | Open a connection with server <ip> |
close | Terminate a session with remote system |
help | List of all available FTP commands (or ? <command>) |
quit | Ends your FTP session |
ascii | Set ASCII mode (this is the default mode for most FTP programs) |
binary | Set Binary mode (8 bit, must be used for all non-ASCII files) |
put <name> | Upload a file to the server |
get <name> | Download a file from the server |
mput <name> | PUT multiple files to the server (wildcards: ? or *) |
mget <name> | GET multiple files from the server (wildcards: ? or *) |
ls | List of files in the current (server) directory |
!ls | List local files in the current directorylocal is 'on your PC' |
cd | Change directory |
lcd | Change local directory |
pwd | Print working directory |
lpwd | Print local working directory |
mkdir <name> | Make (create) directory |
rmdir <name> | Delete directory |
!mkdir <name> | Make (create) local directory |
!rmdir <name> | Delete local directory |
- A single dot (.) means current directory, two dots (..) means parent directory.
- The slash symbol (/) is a separator, or represents root (the file-system base).
- A command preceded with an exclamation (!) will be executed on the local system.
FTP Session Example:
Open a command prompt window, and note the directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>
Here it's C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator, so either copy the file(s) you want on the CF card to this directory, or change the directory to the desired location. Then, from the command prompt, open an FTP session with the CS1000E as follows:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ftp Connected to 220 Tornado-vxWorks FTP server ready
Login with the CS1K username and password. If the system is in the UCM security domain, use the single sign-on credentials:
User ( admin 331 Password required Password: ******* 230- 230-The software and data stored on this system are the property of, 230-or licensed to, Avaya Inc. and are lawfully available only to 230-authorized users for approved purposes. Unauthorized access to 230-any software or data on this system is strictly prohibited and 230-punishable under appropriate laws. If you are not an authorized 230-user then logout immediately. This system may be monitored for 230-operational purposes at any time. 230 User logged in
The session should default to binary mode, but to ensure it is, enter the following:
ftp> bin 200 Type set to I, binary mode
Locate where you are by printing the working directory:
ftp> pwd 257 Current directory is "/"
Change directory to where you want to upload your file(s), eg: /cf2 is the front panel CF drive :
ftp> cd /cf2 250 Changed directory to "/cf2" ftp> pwd 257 Current directory is "/cf2"
If you're uploading a keycode file, you may need to make a directory named keycode for it:
ftp> mkdir ./keycode 200 "./keycode/" directory created ftp> cd ./keycode 250 Changed directory to "/cf2/keycode" ftp> pwd 257 Current directory is "/cf2/keycode"
Upload a file with the put command, followed by the filename. Note, if you are transferring a number of files, use mput which allows wildcard filenames.
ftp> put keycode.kcd 200 Port set okay 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection 226 Transfer complete ftp: 797300 bytes sent in 2.30Seconds 347.10Kbytes/sec.
List the contents of the directory to see that your file is there:
ftp> ls 200 Port set okay 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection . .. keycode.kcd 226 Transfer complete ftp: 16 bytes received in 0.08Seconds 0.21Kbytes/sec.
End the FTP session by entering the following:
ftp> quit C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>