Mike's PBX Cookbook

Cleaning PBX Air Filters

Air Filters should be cleaned on a regular basis.

Repeat these steps for each column.

1Unscrew the 2 screws on the bottom panel

NOTE: Click image for large view!

Nortel Meridian PBX Large System Column Air-Filters

2Locate the filter just above the fan tray.

Pull it out using the circled plastic tabs.

Nortel Meridian PBX Large System Column Air-Filters

Here's the air filter removed... yuk!

Nortel Meridian PBX Large System Column Air-Filters

3Vacuum the filter out.


4Rinse the filter using plain water.

Let it thoroughly dry before re-fitting!

A clean switch is a happy switch!

Nortel Meridian PBX Large System Column Air-Filters