Mike's PBX Cookbook

MGC Load Gold Image

If you suspect a problem with an MGC (or MGXPEC) card, its possible to erase all software and settings, and restore it to a virgin factory state. A master Gold software Image is held in non-volatile memory on the card, and can be used to re-install the boot software image as if new. After the process, run mgcsetup, and enter the cards IP address and call server information.

This procedure requires PHYSICAL ACCESS to the card, you need to be connected with a serial TTY (9600 8 N 1).

To load the Gold Image:

  1. Reboot the MGC...
  2. Press <ctrl>b just after the creation date is shown
  3. At the {VxWorks Boot} prompt, type test
  4. Select option b to change boot options
  5. Select option 2 to force csp to boot from gold image once
  6. Select option 0 to return to previous menu
  7. Press [return] to exit the menu and return to a prompt
  8. Press @ at the prompt, the mgc will boot to the gold image

Continue with mgcsetup from a VXWorks prompt (control-I after the VXWorks splash screen).

Enter the MGC's ELAN IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway address, and Primary Call Server IP address.
TLAN addresses and DSP configuration is obtained from the Call Server upon successful registration.

Reformat CF:

You can often revive a suspect MGC (or MGXPEC) by re-formatting the flash drive. The procedure is as above, but after a "Force CSP to boot from Gold Image once", during the re-boot, hit <ctrl>i, and type diskformat "all" at the VxWorks command prompt, followed by mgcIPClear to clear the IP settings. The on board Compact Flash card will be reformatted and all data on it lost. Next, continue with mgcsetup.

Using PuTTY with a serial cable, watch the boot process, and press <ctrl>i when prompted:

 *** To invoke install menu or bypass loadware upgrade enter CONTROL-I ***
///// press <ctrl>i (not echoed)
 Control I detected. To change configuration enter mgcsetup

-> diskformat "all"
Warning!!! The hard disk will be formated and all data will be lost.

Do you want to proceed? (y/n/[a]bort) : y

///// drive is partitioned and formatted

-> mgcIPClear
-> reboot

The MGC should reboot with factory defaults, and prompt for a new IP configuration.

Note: After diskformat "all" and mgcIPClear, <ctrl>ldb won't work until after the call server downloads updates to the MGC. Therefore, use <ctrl>i and mgcsetup to make configuration changes.

A New Gold Image

If the internal Gold Image is missing or corrupt, you can load a new Gold image onto the MCG card:

  1. Download the MGC APP Loadware (MGCAAA08 or MGCABA07), unzip it, and locate the mainos.st.Z file.
  2. Copy mainos.st.Z to the cards CF, and then use the following command to burn the flash.
-> copyImageToFlash "mainos.st.Z", 4
mainos.st.Z filesize = 1782766
Partition (4) has been selected
Erase partition Done!!!
Flash partition Done!!!
value = 0 = 0x0

TTY Example

The following TTY output shows the Load Gold Image process:

Found device : INTEL 82365SL

Engcode:                NTDW20AAE6 REL 03
ELAN mac address is:    3c:b1:5b:48:d8:43
TLAN mac address is:    3c:b1:5b:48:d8:42
RESET reason:           Faceplate push button Reset.
Daughter board 1:       NTDW64AAE6 R03    3c:b1:5b:48:d8:44.
Daughter board 2:       NTDW64AAE6 R03    3c:b1:5b:48:d8:45.
FPGA VERSION:           AA19 

Power up self test passed

                            VxWorks System Boot
Copyright 1984-2005  Wind River Systems, Inc.

CPU: Chagall
Version: VxWorks5.5.1
Bootcode version: MGCBBA15
Creation date: Oct 10 2011, 09:49:54

///// when you see the date, press control-b (not echoed)

[VxWorks Boot]: test

Enter 'p' for Production test 
 or   't' for Troubleshoot 
 or   'd' for Daughter board test
 or   's' for System power up test 
 or   'b' for Boot Options
          Return key for exit 

 Enter selection: b

0 - or return to EXIT MENU 
1 - Force MSP to boot from Gold Image once
2 - Force CSP to boot from Gold Image once
3 - Force MSP to boot from Gold Image everytime
4 - Force CSP to boot from Gold Image everytime
5 - Reset Boot Options to defaults

 Enter selection: 2

0 - or return to EXIT MENU 
1 - Force MSP to boot from Gold Image once
2 - Force CSP to boot from Gold Image once
3 - Force MSP to boot from Gold Image everytime
4 - Force CSP to boot from Gold Image everytime
5 - Reset Boot Options to defaults

 Enter selection: 

Enter 'p' for Production test 
 or   't' for Troubleshoot 
 or   'd' for Daughter board test
 or   's' for System power up test 
 or   'b' for Boot Options
          Return key for exit 

 Enter selection:
[VxWorks Boot]: @
Loading MSP from CF...1752052
Booting ARM0 (MSP) at 0x00000100 ...
Loading Gold CSP image

Booting ARM1 (CSP) at 0x80010000 ...

usrAtaInit done
Found device : INTEL 82365SL
pccardAtaEnabler: Adding block device 0x0x879053a0: /dev/hda
/p/  - Volume is OK                                                             
/p1/  - Volume is OK                                                            
/u/  - Volume is OK                                         
/e/  - Volume is OK                                             
Host Name: bootHost 
User: target 
Attaching interface lo0... done
Attached IPv4 interface to eln unit 0

      ]]]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]     ]]]]]]]]]]       ]]              ]]]]         (R)
 ]     ]]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]     ]]]]]]]]       ]]               ]]]]            
 ]]     ]]]]]]]  ]]]]]]]]     ]]]]]] ]     ]]                ]]]]            
 ]]]     ]]]]] ]    ]]]  ]     ]]]] ]]]   ]]]]]]]]]  ]]]] ]] ]]]]  ]]   ]]]]]
 ]]]]     ]]]  ]]    ]  ]]]     ]] ]]]]] ]]]]]]   ]] ]]]]]]] ]]]] ]]   ]]]]  
 ]]]]]     ]  ]]]]     ]]]]]      ]]]]]]]] ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]]]]]    ]]]] 
 ]]]]]]      ]]]]]     ]]]]]]    ]  ]]]]]  ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]]]]]]    ]]]]
 ]]]]]]]    ]]]]]  ]    ]]]]]]  ]    ]]]   ]]]]   ]] ]]]]    ]]]] ]]]]    ]]]]
 ]]]]]]]]  ]]]]]  ]]]    ]]]]]]]      ]     ]]]]]]]  ]]]]    ]]]]  ]]]] ]]]]]
 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       Development System
 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       VxWorks version 5.5.1
 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       KERNEL: WIND version 2.6
 ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       Copyright Wind River Systems, Inc., 1984-2003

                               CPU: Chagall.  Processor #1.
                              Memory Size: 0x79ea800.  BSP version 1.3/0.
                             WDB Comm Type: WDB_COMM_NETWORK
                             WDB: Ready.

FPGA VERSION is 41413139 AA19
MGCCBA15 Monday October 10 2011 09:50:21 EDT

 *** To invoke install menu or bypass loadware upgrade enter CONTROL-I ***
///// when you see this, press control-i (not echoed)
 Control I detected. To change configuration enter mgcsetup 
-> Init ISEC succeeded

-> diskformat "all"
Warning!!! The hard disk will be formated and all data will be lost.

Do you want to proceed? (y/n/[a]bort) : y
Retrieved old volume params with %95 confidence:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 8
  2 FAT copies, 0 clusters, 98 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 196
  Root dir entries 0, sysId (null)  , serial number 1d90000
  Label:"           " ...
Disk with 100320 sectors of 512 bytes will be formatted with:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 8
  2 FAT copies, 12511 clusters, 98 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 196
  Root dir entries 0, sysId VX5DOS32, serial number 1d90000
  Label:"           " ...
Retrieved old volume params with %95 confidence:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 8
  2 FAT copies, 0 clusters, 98 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 196
  Root dir entries 0, sysId (null)  , serial number 1e80000
  Label:"           " ...
Disk with 100352 sectors of 512 bytes will be formatted with:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 8
  2 FAT copies, 12515 clusters, 98 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 196
  Root dir entries 0, sysId VX5DOS32, serial number 1e80000
  Label:"           " ...
Retrieved old volume params with %95 confidence:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 8
  2 FAT copies, 0 clusters, 24 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 48
  Root dir entries 0, sysId (null)  , serial number 2040000
  Label:"           " ...
Disk with 24576 sectors of 512 bytes will be formatted with:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 8
  2 FAT copies, 3062 clusters, 24 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 48
  Root dir entries 0, sysId VX5DOS32, serial number 2040000
  Label:"           " ...
Retrieved old volume params with %95 confidence:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 8
  2 FAT copies, 0 clusters, 24 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 48
  Root dir entries 0, sysId (null)  , serial number 2130000
  Label:"           " ...
Disk with 24576 sectors of 512 bytes will be formatted with:
Volume Parameters: FAT type: FAT32, sectors per cluster 8
  2 FAT copies, 3062 clusters, 24 sectors per FAT
  Sectors reserved 32, hidden 0, FAT sectors 48
  Root dir entries 0, sysId VX5DOS32, serial number 2130000
  Label:"           " ...
/p/  - Volume is OK 
/p1/  - Volume is OK 
/u/  - Volume is OK 
/e/  - Volume is OK 
value = 0 = 0x0
-> mgcsetup

ELAN IP              :
ELAN subnet mask     :
ELAN gateway IP      :

Primary CS IP        : 

Change MGC advanced parameters? (y/[n]) : n

You have entered the following parameters for this MG 1000E:

ELAN IP              :
ELAN subnet mask     :
ELAN gateway IP      :
Primary CS IP        :
TLAN set to auto negotiate.
ELAN set to auto negotiate.
Is this correct? (y/n/[a]bort) : y
The above changes require reboot to take effect.

Do you want to reboot now? (y/n/[a]bort) : y