Trunk Group Restrictions (TGAR)
If a direct access code (ACOD) is used to access a route then the access restrictions to that route are controlled by TGAR (Trunk Group Access Restrictions) and TARG (Trunk Access Restriction Group). This also applies if LD 86 ESN, TGAR is YES (not set by default).

The golden rule:
trunk access is blocked!

- A sets TGAR value is programmed in LD 10 (analog) or LD 11 (digital). Value can be 0-31, the default is 1, 0=disabled.
- Route TARG values are programmed in LD 16. A route can have multiple TARGs. Default is 1, usually blocking access.
Below changes a routes access restrictions (TARG) so that sets with a TGAR of 1, 2 or 3 cannot access the route, but sets with any other TGAR can. Remember, if TGAR = TARG, the call is blocked, if TGAR ≠ TARG, the call is allowed. Only an exact match matters.
Changes are made to the Route Data Block (RDB) in LD 16. The RDB is printed in LD 21.
As always, hit enter at prompts you don't want to change - we only change TARG below (prefix a value with 'x' to remove it).
>ld 16 RDB000 MEM AVAIL: (U/P): 1094214 USED: 265657 TOT: 1359871 DISK RECS AVAIL: 2752 REQ chg TYPE rdb CUST 0 ROUT 3 TKTP <enter> all the way down to TARG... : STEP ACOD TARG 1 2 3 add or remove TGARs, separated by space, prefix with 'x' to remove BILN : hit <enter> until finished : MEM AVAIL: (U/P): 1094214 USED: 265657 TOT: 1359871 DISK RECS AVAIL: 2752 REQ****
A set with TGAR 0, NCOS 7, and CLS UNR is not restricted, and should be free to dial anything! See: CLS Access Restrictions.