Mike's PBX Cookbook

Datapulse PBX Configuration

The Datapulse Intuition 1000 Software supports three PBX interface types:

  1. 2250 Attendant Console (via serial connection).
  2. Console Interface Unit (via serial connection).
  3. Intuition Gateway (a TDM to IP gateway server, via network connection).

The PBX interface type is selected during Intuition 1000 software configuration.
Regardless of which PBX interface type is used (2550, CIU, or Gateway), the PBX programming (below) is the same.

1. Configure PBX Terminal Number

Configure a 2250 Attendant Console in Overlay 12 as shown. Accept the default responses except for those highlighted. If using Busy Verify or Barge-In features, they must be configured on keys 00 and 01 respectively. This configuration is used irrespective of whether CIU, 2250 or Intuition Gateway interface type is selected.

>ld 12
REQ: new 
TYPE: 2250           All console hardware options are "TYPE: 2250" 
TN   0 0 9 0         Enter the Terminal Number. eg, slot 9, unit 0
SETN 0 0 9 1         Secondary TN, required for consoles, eg, adjacent unit
CUST 0                   
ANUM xx              Attendant console number
CPND CNDA            Call Party Name Display Allowed
KEY 00 BVR           Busy Verify Key - must be configured on Key 00
KEY 01 BIN           Barge In - must be configured on Key 01
KEY 02 BKI           Break In
KEY 03 EES           End-to-End Signaling
KEY 04
KEY 05 DPD           Display Destination
KEY 06 DPS           Display Source
KEY 07 DCW           Display Calls Waiting
KEY 08 MTM           Display/Change Time
KEY 09 MDT           Display/Change Date
KEY 10 MIK           Message Indication
KEY 11 MCK           Message Cancellation
KEY 12 PRK           Call Park
KEY 13
KEY 14
KEY 15
KEY 16
KEY 17
KEY 18
KEY 19

Customer Attendant Consoles are printed in LD 20.

2. Configure PBX Customer Data Block

The following system-wide configuration changes are made to the Customer Data Block to ensure the correct operation of the Attendant Console and Intuition 1000. Accept the default responses except for those highlighted. The OPT prompt responses are each followed by a space, then press return after the last entry.

>ld 15
REQ chg
TYPE att_data 
OPT                  Enter the following followed by space, press return when finished...

  ABDA               Attendant Busy Display (denied) allowed
  AHA                Autohold on Loop Key Allowed
  EBIN               Extended Break-In Indication. Only allowed with package 127
  BIXA               Break-In to external call Allowed. Requires package 127
  BLA                Break-In to Line Lockout Set Allowed. Requires package 127
  BOHA               Position Busy with Calls on Hold Allowed. Requires package 131
  IC2                Two key/lamp strips = 20 ICIs
  XTG                Exclude key/lamp expansion module
  IDP                Include Digit Display
  ILF                Include Lamp Field array
  XBL                Exclude Enhanced Busy Lamp Field
  NCD                When Attendant Console Group (ACG) in Nights, redirection is denied
  LOD                Lockout Denied
  PSA                Presentation Status selection allowed on consoles (package 169)
  RECA               Attendant calls is redirected when all but one console is busy
  REA                Release on Exclusion Allowed
  SYA                Secrecy Allowed
  SIAA               Source Included when Attendant dials Allowed
  ATDA               Attendant Through Dialing Allowed (now press return!)

ATDN 9               Attendant DN. Presents call to all configured Consoles
ICI 0 DL0            Corresponds to ATDN - see below (DLDN)
ICI 1 LD0            Corresponds to LDN0, which is configured in the LDN_DATA - see below
ICI 2 LD1            Corresponds to LDN1, which is configured in the LDN_DATA - see below
CWUP yes             Enable the Call Waiting "thermometer" (Queue Meter)
CWCL 1 4             Call Waiting: call thresholds, lower and upper (calls)
CWTM 10 60           Call Waiting: time thresholds, lower and upper (seconds) 
CWBZ yes yes         Buzz tone when either upper value met, and when a call enters queue

Directory Numbers: Up to 5 Listed Directory Numbers (LDN) can be defined, and associated with any or all Attendant consoles.
LDN0 must be defined for ISDN PRI DID service. The length of LDN0 determines the number of trailing digits translated as the dialed DN on PRI DID routes.

>ld 15
REQ chg
TYPE ldn_data        Configure LDN_DATA
DLDN yes             Departmental Listed Directory Numbers
LDN0 xxxx            Listed Directory Number 0
LDA0 all             Attendant consoles associated with LDN0 (1-63, ALL)
LDN1 xxxx            Listed DN 1
LDA1 all             Attendant consoles associated with LDN1 (1-63, ALL)

ATT_DATA and LDN_DATA configuration is changed in LD 15, and printed in LD 21.

3. Configure Datapulse Intuition 1000 Software

Double click ConfigWizard. Choose the default radio button 'Use existing data source' in the Database connection method pane. Click Next...


1. Configuration Options


2. PBX Interface: 2250, CIU, or GW


3. Gateway IP Address

Select the appropriate hardware connection, 2250, CIU, or Intuition Gateway,

4. Incoming Call Identifier keys


5. Flexible feature keys


6. Number plan Config.

If you need to modify the configuration at a later stage, go to: Switchboard ➤ Options ➤ Configure
Or, re-run the Configuration Wizard by accessing it at: c:\Program Files\Mettoni\Intuition 1000\ConfigWizard.exe