Mike's PBX Cookbook

Private Line Service

PTT line appearances on Meridian phones - Equivalent to Mitels 'Direct Trunk Select'.

Here is some background information, and a limited programming overview, on how to program a analog PTT line as a key appearance on a Nortel multi-line set. Nortel calls it PVR/PVN, Private Line Ringing/Non-Ringing.


  1. LD 16 - Add/change a Private Line trunk route - (TKTP=cot, PRIV=yes, ICOG=iao)
  2. LD 14 - Add/change Private Line trunks to the route (PRDN=xxxx)
  3. LD 11 - Add/change Private Line Service key (PVR/PVN=xxxx) for digital set(s)
  4. LD 10 - Add/change Private Line Service (DN=xxxx) for analog set(s)

When adding a trunk to a Private route (one with PRIV=YES), you will be prompted for Private Line DN (PRDN). This is a special DN which directly accesses the trunk from the set. Multiple trunks can be added to the same route, each one with a different PRDN.

When adding a Private Line Service key to a Digital set, use:

For an Analog (type 500) set: DN <PRDN for trunk>

LD 11 - Example:

TYPE:aaaaTelephone type, where: aaaa = 2016, 2616, etc.
TN:l s c uTerminal Number (loop shelf card unit -or- card unit)
KEY:xx PVN yyy...yPrivate Line non-ringing key (yyy...y is the same as for PRDN prompt in LD 14)
 xx PVR yyy...yPrivate Line ringing key (yyy...y is the same as for PRDN prompt in LD 14)
